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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. It's wonderfully creative and a completely different way of approaching things! Planning is he aspect of the hobby I almost like the best (says he who procrastinates and never finished a layout!!) PS - agree with the Peckett comment - perfect setting
  2. You and me both! It's one way of attracting tourist trade
  3. What a fantastic plan! Really interesting and original design that should offer lots of operating potential. Your use of computer design is also excellent, helps to bring plans to life. I'll keep on following your progress. David
  4. Thanks for that link, I'll have a look. The migration of folk northwards to work in the Durham coalfield is fascinating. My family came north from the Diss area, obviously for work, away from agricultural poverty to work down the pits. One hard life to another ultimately, better pay, but dangerous. Ironically part of my family have now returned there, to the Acle area, before spreading across Norfolk and Suffolk and I also had a couple of years working in Ipswich. Funny old world isn't.
  5. Oh yes it's eye opening when you cross that boundary to the dark side of East Anglia!
  6. Oh you've never lived until you have experienced a Saturday night in Lowestoft... in my period living in sunny Suffolk I was a regular visitor for fun and debauchery
  7. Hi Edwardian - just spent a fascinating hour or so reading this thread! I love Norfolk as a lot of my family roots are there and I have lots of relatives still scattered across East Anglia. Also a big fan of light railways so this ticks all the boxes for me. It's a relatively rarely modelled period a well which always makes things interesting. Most of all, the whole discussion is highly entertaining, eclectic and different which is great. It has kept me entertained and I have learned a great deal.... I cannot believe I hadn't stumbled across CA before but will be sure to keep checking up now... it's all about he journey not necessarily the destination Keep up the fascinating work! David
  8. Mike if I was half the 'jack of all trades' you are I would be content. I love the atmosphere and setting you create, it is wonderful. I'm just starting out in 7mm scale and have been given a copy of the Gauge O Guild's 'Layouts to Inspire' book and I am pouring over the wonderful photographs of Primrose Hill and Reely Grate. As the title intends (!!) it is inspirational stuff for those of us with limited space and I would love to attempt something similar in due course, although it will be nowhere near the standard of your work. Thank you again and all the best! David
  9. Mike, A belated message to say I really enjoyed seeing the layout at the Tanfield Railway a few weeks ago. It is a great use of such a small space and very inspiring to us with limited room. As always the standard of your modelling is so high, particularly liked the weahering of your wagons! Looks like there is plenty of 'play' value in the layout too. I've been thinking about trying a similar pointless layout - firstly to save space and secondly to reduce costs of the points! The sector plate/traverser setup seems to work really well on your layout. Cheers, David
  10. Thanks Gordon that's really useful. I will have a proper look at his website and give Tim a ring. David
  11. Looking forward to seeing the 03 arrive later in the year. Whilst I probably won't be able to afford or justify one I think it will be a great seller for Heljan given the recent boom im small 7mm scale layouts. Although the 03 is likely to be a much bigger seller, I would imagine the fall in price mentioned above for the 05 could be reflected in the 03 in due course once initial stocks have sold. It does make it more affordable and closer in line with competitor's products (Dapol, Minerva etc)
  12. Mike, As with all your layouts this is superb. You really inspire is with limited space through your ingenuity and resourcefulness. Your attitude to modelling is so refreshing - after all this is supposed to be a hobby for enjoyment and fun! That terrace of houses is stunning. The build, colours and weathering just look so 'right' Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing. David
  13. As a lover of industrial architecture I am really enjoying following. What an absolutely fascinating photograph! It will be a superb scenic feature and unique I would imagine! Do you have any plans to make it 'work' in any way? It would add to the interest as a cameo, although I understand it would be a very difficult thing to achieve (i wouldn't have the first idea how to begin!). David
  14. Apologies I had forgotten about that one. I have read the Sentinel should be here by the end of the year too all being well
  15. Totally agree. The days of saga around the 08 are definitely behind Dapol and their recent products have been superb and delivered relatively quickly. They have really turned things around in recent years and deserve to be congratulated. They have really opened up O gauge to the average modeller (of which I count myself as a very average one) with their affordable and high quality products. Lots to look forward to over the coming months!
  16. Enjoying following this one Tim. The baseboards look superb - would you recommend them? Having had a look at Tim Horn's website they also look like excellent value for money. It is bizarre that we are normally willing to invest so much in stock but not on the foundation upon which our layout is based! Looks superb though. Fascinating prototype too. The Old Maps website is a good resource for OS maps over the years. I use this am awful lot in my professional life at work and it is a fantastic resource for 1:2500 historic maps: https://www.old-maps.co.uk/#/ Cheers, David
  17. Hi Gordon, Some lovely work going on here, great start to the layout. There may have been a very slight setback but you have clearly addressed it and overcome it which must be rewarding. The handbuilt track looks superb. The Tim Horn baseboard also sets everything off very well. Would you recommend them? I presume it is simply a case of using wood glue to put it together. Looks like a high quality product and excellent value for money too. Cheers, David
  18. Given Dapol's relatively quick delivery of recent projects (eg thinking of the Jinty) I cannot imagine it will be too long before release. I think(??) the Sentinel is next, so the 14xx is likely to follow that?
  19. Neil, I love everything about this thread and your work - the 'prototype', the idea, vision, ingenuity, creativity, resourcefulness, the fun.... it reminds why I love railways and railway modelling!! I cannot really say any more than that really! Thank you for sharing and inspiring me. Keep the updates coming. All the best, David
  20. I know don't remind me! It's likely to be one or the other mind. Given it's smaller size, the MW might be better suited to my very limited space. The Peckett is quite a big chunky beast after all (trying to convince himself it isn't a good idea!! )
  21. Wow! Love the buildings and the setting!Keep up the good work, you're doing a cracking job and I am enjoying following progress. David
  22. Ha ha yes, how could I forget! Pleased to hear of progress. I am similarly doing some 1:1 paper plannig for a small O gauge layout... it's good - roll it out on the dining room table, look at it, push some wagons around and then roll it away again... the ultimate in minimum space modelling
  23. Yes please Mike!! Remains the best show I have ever done when I brought my 009 layout!
  24. You are right, it is a lovely dilemma!! I love my H-C and am really tempted to pair it with a Peckett... just need to justify it with my wallet! Great progress with the buildings. They must be quite large and imposing given the scale! Keep up the good work, I am enjoying following and am also learning a lot from your techniques and skills. David
  25. Hi Andrew, Just spent an enjoyable hour or so reading this topic from beginning to end and really enjoyed it. Excellent modelling and great 'real life' interest too! Really enjoying seeing the layout develop - it's right up my street as a fan of light and industrial railways. Shows what can be done in a relatively limited space, whilst still offering great operational capacity. I really love what you're doing. Keep up the good work, it's very inspiring to someone hopefully taking a first plunge into industrial 7mm scale! David PS - those 'fireman shovel eggs' look delicious!!
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