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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. Just stumbled across this, what a fantastic little layout. I'm a massive fan of Brant Hickman's layouts and can see the inspiration from Littleton Curve. Looks like it will give you hours of fun. I wonder the dimensions needed to squeeze in a loop in the scenic section - maybe an increase to 48" x 30"? Great stuff!
  2. Thanks My brother lives in the area so I am familiar with the location - you've done a wonderful job of capturing the feel. PS I'm not really a GWR can but that pannier and autocoach look absolutely stunning! Hard to believe it is 2mm scale! Thanks again, David
  3. That overview photo is really useful Steve - thanks Sorry to ask a further question but... what is the overall footprint of the layout shown above when including the fiddle yard and hidden curves? I still cannot believe that scenic section is less than 5 feet in length... it's so spacious!! David
  4. Hi Steve Many thanks for taking the time to reply, it's greatly appreciated. The whole scene seems so much bigger and you've perfectly captured the atmosphere and feel of the fenland location. Undoubtedly a testament to you modelling ability! Definitely gives food for thought for my own planning. I look forward to reading of further progress. Thanks again, David
  5. Hi Les, Glad to see you've made a start on this and I'll be following with interest. I love Hawthorn Dene and I'm sure this will be equally as good! Croft will make a cracking basis for a model. I'm currently toying with the idea of a small terminus as a testbed for an introduction to N gauge, depicting an imaginary extension of the Richmond branch up to Reeth. Anyway I'll be following with interest and look forward to reading of further progress Keep that North Eastern Region flag flying! David
  6. Tom, This really is absolutely superb stuff. The work, detail and standards you are achieving in such a small scale are frankly astonishing, it requires a double take some of the time. Sorry for asking a question.... apologies if I've missed this but what are the dimensions of the layout? Cheers, David
  7. Steve, Tracked down this thread from your other one. Wonderful stuff that perfectly capturesthe feel and atmosphere of the fenland location Just to clarify, is the scenic section 6 feet in length? Cheers again, David
  8. Hi Steve, A belated thanks for this extra info and I do apologise for taking so long to say so. It's amazing what you've done in such a compact space. A change in my living arrangements mean I am going to be really pushed for space and I am contemplating a return to N gauge. Both Lymebrook and Farmers Drove are real inspiration for the space starved modeller. How is the latter coming on? Thanks again, David
  9. Interesting shout... oh and looking forward to a potential steam loco announcement in due course... he dreaming of a J72
  10. Great news Steve! The hard decision now is just what cab variety I want to go for...... hmmm decisions, decisions, decisions...
  11. Steve, I'm really chuffed that the Class 15 has now reached these shores and that the final model more than exceeds expectations - it looks absolutely stunning!! It is a reward for your hard work, dedication and patience, you deserve it. Absolutely cannot wait for the Ruston now... look forward to the next update when you're ready David
  12. That's a fantastic plan... position of the points ans baseboard joints will be critical but love the plan. As another (similar idea) try getting hold of a copy of the December 1996 Railway Modeller for 'Ivydale (All Hallows) - 16mm scale standard gauge layout in 12' by 2' and is a wonderful depiction of a light railway terminus. I'm sure something similar could be replicated in 7mm scale in around 10'. It's my favourite layout of all time!!
  13. Hi Steve, Just caught up on this thread, absolutely fantastic use of the space, I really love what you've done and the modelling is superb. Keep the updates coming, particularly some further pictures! It shows what you can do in 2mm scale with some careful planning and how muc operational capacity you can cram in to a small space. Sorry if I've missed it, but what radius points have you used? Cheers, David
  14. Chris, That's absolutely fantastic news! Look forward to seeing the next step come to fruition. With or without matching coaching stock I'll be committed and on board to support the project. David
  15. Thanks very much for that update Roy, I'm looking forward to it arriving. Hopefully it won't be too long until we see some official progress. Cheers, David
  16. I'm on the look out for an O gauge 'Bachmann Brassworks' Class J94/Austerity tank loco. If anyone has one they're looking to dispose of please drop me a PM. Thanks!
  17. Has there been any further word on the J72 following the initial announcement?
  18. Congratulations Dave. I am pleased to hear of your success to date and and for the future. It is all down to your hard work and enthusiasm, you are a credit to yourself, your business and this hobby. Clearly not all plain sailing but on the whole very positive. Thank you for what you've delivered in 2016 and all the best for 2017! It promises to be an interesting and exciting year! All the best, David
  19. Just caught up with this thread... absolutely FASCINATING! I am a big fan of Scandinavian/Nordic countries and their railways (happy to include Finland too not to get too mixed with our geographies!) and love something a bit different. Although mainly focused on Denmark and the DSB, I find all of the countries interesting. I look forward to seeing more when you are ready to update but this is right up my street and you're doing a fantastic job ploughing a lone and very inventive furrow. Cheers and keep the good work coming! David PS - thanks for the update to my Danish thread too, it much appreciated.
  20. south_tyne

    Ask Dave

    To draw a line under this... I know nothing of the proposals. I have no interest in the Class 92, it was a general point about what I thought(!!) was the status of the projects in the timetable on Dave's website. I am obviously mistaken and do apologise if I have spread mass confusion/doubt. I can assure you there is no malice or under-handedness in my part simply a misunderstanding.
  21. south_tyne

    Ask Dave

    None what so ever. All I said was, as a general point on all his projects, I thought it best to wait for an official update from Dave when he is ready, rather than hearsay and speculation fuelled by t'interweb.
  22. That's fascinating Martin. Please do show us more! Can you share anymore about the prototype too? David
  23. south_tyne

    Ask Dave

    I'm not sure. I think it's best to wait for the official update/brochure in the new year from Dave.
  24. south_tyne

    Ask Dave

    I think it only relates to DJM's own products (not commissions etc?) and is the latest position. Dave has also said he'll be issuing an update on all products via a brochure/catalogue in the new year.
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