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Status Updates posted by Skinnylinny

  1. Rigging up a surface-mount LED onto the desk lamp inside a 4mm signal box. Is this what they call masochism?

    1. HeeleyBridge


      Take your soldering iron from its holder

      And burn your initials in my shoulder

      Fracture my spine

      And swear that you're mine

      As we dance to the Masochism Tango



      - sincere apologies to Tom Lehrer

    2. Skinnylinny
    3. yorkie_pudd


      Great piece of craftsmanship there fella, now you`ve seen the light...

  2. Off for a weekend operating at the Summerlee Model Railway exhibition - if you're near Glasgow, why not pop along?

  3. Got an interview in the morning that will determine whether or not I get to do a PhD in Railway Safety Systems - looking into fitting steam locos with ERTMS!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skinnylinny


      Dutch_Master: Interesting thought, thank you! Given that most locos run with support coaches, that's a possibility...

    3. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Now there's a fascinating challenge - more like an impossible dream I suspect but good luck.

    4. mcrook62


      Very much good luck

  4. Built a kit, no trouble at all, now sitting swearing at handrail knobs. How do people manage?

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      We swear a lot!

    2. Skinnylinny


      Glad it's not just me then! Trying to do all the front-end handrails on an industrial tank engine - boiler side, tank front and smokebox front handrails all next to each other!

  5. Drawing a track plan for Knapford Junction...

  6. Worried about a loco that Hermes are apparently attempting to redeliver. I haven't had the first delivery attempt yet!

    1. AndyB


      That'd be Hermes! Named after the Greek god of speed and cunning. They're so quick you'd have to be cunning to spot them trying to deliver!

  7. You know the student budget is tight when you have to start selling trains to pay the rent... Not fun.

  8. Just lost the last M transfer for a 4mm wagon number. Painting it by hand with a very fine brush and a shaky hand...

    1. class"66"


      No the feeling!!

  9. Dead chuffed with that - picked up a new Hornby A3 for

  10. What is the world coming to? On mentioning that I am a railway modeller, been asked for a "modelling date" where we'll both sit and build things...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. fursty


      Don't use Super glue on the first date. If you go down that road you will be inseparable.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      has just found himself wondering how well soldering irons would lend themselves to SM plays...

    4. Metr0Land


      Probably best to stay away from gauge wars on a first date

  11. Wow, I need to get some more of these Ratio wagon kits. That's an open wagon unpacked and completely built in the time it's taken SWMBO to go into town to go shopping...

    1. Skinnylinny


      Just need another hour to get it painted. Sorted!

    2. steve22


      Hmm, I've got one from about thirty seven years ago, still unfinished...

  12. Removing hair dye from flatmate's hair. And I thought modelling chemicals smelt bad!

  13. Delighted by the discovery that students get a free 3-year AutoCAD license!

    1. 69843


      It's brilliant isn't it!

  14. Was gifted a Bachmann A4 chassis at the club in exchange for other odds and ends. 10 minutes with a dremel later and it fits a GBL bodyshell. Away we go!

  15. Trying to remove the centre screw from a Bachmann RU. Have completely stripped the head, no movement of the screw... Any suggestions?

    1. skipepsi


      without a picture we will struggle but try using a small screwdiver like a cold chisel and knock it round on the outside of the screw with a small tiny hammer.

    2. modfather


      drill the head out then use some molegrips to remove the remains once it's apart

    3. skipepsi


      that works too

  16. Just noticed that the cosmetic buckeye couplings on my Hornby Railroad Mk1s a) actually couple and b) are mounted the opposite way around on each end of the coach!

  17. Just built a (brand new) Dapol mineral wagon kit in less than an hour. Convinced the parts are far better moulded than last time.

  18. Moving house... first thing to move was the layout!

    1. 3 link

      3 link

      So would I : )

  19. Got my first ever kit-built chassis up and running. It's cogging a bit but otherwise smooth, just need a replacement bolt to hold the dummy bogie on (oops!)

  20. Honours Project tproposal accepted - I get to build a model railway. Not bad for a computer science degree!

    1. 10800



  21. Just submitted a proposal for a fourth-year university project involving model railways...

    1. tractionman


      You might want to check out the posts on this forum by Robert MacKinnon at Aber.

  22. Managed to pick up a Bachmann short 20T brake van... in bright red! Think this might need a new paint job...

  23. 5 x Hachette Mk1 SKs... Check. One bottle of T-Cut... Check. Dremel? Where's the Dremel?

    1. Metr0Land


      If you can't find the Dremel head over to Lidl's on Monday

    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      That was yesterday

  24. The wonderful moment when you open a kit that's a good two decades older than you, only to find a piece missing... And the relief when it turns up wrapped in the instructions!

  25. Introducing another newbie to the joys of Metcalfe kits!

    1. Adamphillip


      great thing those kits

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