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Everything posted by dj_crisp

  1. A little update on signal box progress. Nothing is quite sqaure as the roof hasn't been glued on yet. Added some tiles today which I'm sure to the trained eye looks awful! I'm happy enough with them though. Question is should an late 80s/early 90s box have a chimney and fire? Guttering is my next challenge - the supplied versions are too short so think i need to find some alternatives, The large piece of work was embedding the window arches in rather than my first effort which looked like eyebrows. I'm much happier with the result now. Of course it wouldn't be me if i didnt break something so have repaired a set of windows with plastikard scraps when the knife slipped! A few test shots to see obvious problems etc. cheers Will
  2. I'm rubbish at woodwork. So what better way to spend a bank holiday than hack about some 4mm plywood... for what felt like forever! Anyways built a lift out section... currently nice and true so hopefully it stays this way! Looks ok on the layout; I've fitted an extension and carefully lined it up to the lift out section - the remainder will be hidden when landscape forming starts. The plywood will eventually be skimmed and an attempt to make them look like concrete; Rather than have concrete to the end of the siding I think a rundown open look might work ok; so have attacked my sleepers with a scapel and knife to make them look a big knackered... bit like me And while on a roll sawing wood I thought I'd sort out my control centre from this..... to this... I've fitted a circuit breaker to control the two districts I've wired up so thought it'll need some protection. An old camera case has been used with a few 4mm ply sections cut with slots for the power supply and a seperate 12v one that currently powers a pair of DS64s for point motors. Packs away quite neatly; What wonderful weather for a bank holiday... in fact they all seem ok while lockdown has been on! Happy Modelling Will
  3. I've started posting a few things on twitter and had some good feedback around what to do for the fertiliser depot. Hence I made so very bad carboard mock ups.... So using alot of imagination I've gone with suggestions and will have a half open, half closed building... hopefully allow a few views like this; There is also an added bonus (?) of the depot being across a baseboard joint... so I'll have to go out of my comfort zone and build something that can lift out. Right now I'm researching steel frame buildings as I really haven't a clue how they go together...(!!) Anyway this part view of a shellstar depot is my inspiration.... I think it's Andover but could be very wrong! Hope you're all keeping well! Will
  4. I've asked a few retailers and most have them on order from the US.
  5. Both of you have done a great job on the dinghams! I rather like them too and fitted to some of my (dare I say it) steam age stock. I didn't do as good a job as you and found my bending skills weren't up to the job. The only thing I didn't get sorted was with them being handed whether I should go down the route of having hooks and loops one way or just have locks without hoops etc. I have some stock with 3 links so might have a play too by re-visiting the dinghams. Cheers Will
  6. I'm pretty certain that me posting trackwork isn't that interesting. However today the final catch point has been laid A bit of a tight fit underneath! Surprisingly it fits and even more that it seems to work. I don't have enough depth for a tortoise with this arrangement so I'm going to fit a DCC Concepts Colbalt. Of course as soon as I think all is finished my flatbottom crossover has stopped throwing far enough. As one of the Colbalts is clicking at me I think I'll swap them both out for a pair of Tortoises which do seem more robust. And an excellent bedtime read; I'm not sure I have the ability to do it all properly but feel slightly inspired to have a go! First up will be facing point locks but I've somehow got to try and work out how to fit them! Happy modelling all.
  7. Just done mine to EM using pretty much the same method as Mike suggested earlier. I've just found some keen magib wheelsets that I forgot I stockpiled and they fit a treat. My first test on the layout they ran awfully... till I realised the back to back was slightly out due to the force needed to fit them! The brake gear does foul the wheelset so I've removed them... (it breaks for me but that's ok as the centre bit needs removing and I'm happy to stick them on individually). Will also need some longer brake linkages which I'll just use some brass wire. Overall quite pleased Cheers Will
  8. They look about spot on. I shall measure up and put an order in Thanks
  9. Interesting and thanks. Might be hard for me to retrofit as I cant face resoldering everything. I'm thinking of something I could screw in and trap the wires.
  10. I've been busy wiring today - always amazing how long it takes! soldered up a 15pin connector to pass over a few wires for point motors, detectors, loconet and signal wires. I need to find something to grip the end with so there is no stress placed on the soldered joints And my new favourity material - cable tidy! even makes my wiring look almost presentable. key thing is that it keeps wire away from where i don't want it! Plenty more to do! Happy modelling all! Will
  11. A very nice looking 4TC! What did you use to remove the curtains - it's a job i also need to do! cheers Will
  12. I'm exactly where you are - one axle off on the workbench. I think I'm going to go the route of replacing the wheelset as I don't think I'll be able to get the wheel back in when pulled out to EM! Interestingly I've had zero success getting an accurascale PCA to run well following conversion so that one is also sitting on the workbench trying to work out the next step. Their PFAs were dead easy.
  13. It's always the small jobs that take the most time!! The end rails of one of the flatbottom points was always short so I've cut it shorter and added a short section of rail to be flush with the board join; Of course there was no way i could fit droppers due to baseboard supports so an above grond solution has been implemented! Copper Clad sleepers have been added for strength and to keep everything in gauge. I've now also primed these ready for spraying which isn't too far off - just got to check everything works, but I'm getting tempted to have a go at Facing Point Locks and there is alot to learn! I think this one doesn't need a FPL as the turnout is not facing for passenger traffic although is for freight access to the siding - if anyone knows it it should have please let me know! The whole layout has now had fishplates and chairs fitted - which when the sun is out is quite a pleasant task when done in the garden. Begining to look like a layout! I'm just waiting for a DS64 to arrive to check I've fitted all the switch machines correctly
  14. The signal box is a timber tracks kit so everything is nicely cut for you. The windows weren't a perfect fit and needed filling down and the only disappointing aspect of the kit so far is the brickwork which hadn't been layered that well. Roof and interior next
  15. Well I’ve been keeping myself amused and have been rather busy on the layout. Nothing particularly interesting to show as most of it has been wiring related; fitted 6 point motors now and just need a DS64 to finish them off and check I wired them in correctly! I’ve also started to work out which wires need to go across boards and have soldered up a few connectors. Above board it’s all been about sorting out some turnout issues. I’m not sure how it happened but my catchpoint was horribly out of gauge causing derailments. So to keep things in gauge I’ve soldered some copper clad sleepers in place… much better! Added a few cosmetic chairs and now it’s ok. I’ve also been busy with my remaining flat bottom turnout sorting out clearance and I need to extend the rails to the edge of the board. This one is about half finished. Also I’m working my over the track making sure all chairs are in place; fitting dummy ones to copper clad sleepers; filling gaps in copper clad and attaching some fish plates. I’m quite enjoying this in a strange way as it feels like progress! That’s probably because I’ve just spent ages marking out bricks on the signal box using a broken drill bit filed to allow an easy press. Well I’ve learned that I won’t make the Pendon team as my brickwork is pretty terrible! It’s supposed to be English Bond and so nice and aligned… mine isn’t! I plan on picking out some of the better bricks and try and hide the rest Still it got me through several dull conference calls Keep Safe Will
  16. I didn't in this case - i think this ones just a bit too complex and it's probably a step too far. Terrible.... I'm off to play with point motors!
  17. Thanks for replying - you need to have a rest from work! You're right that I've switched to using the DS64, as i got buzzing from both the colbalts and tortoises when i used the DR4018. As i did I also didn't leave the layout on for long until i could resolve. I'll take it apart and see if there is a gear problem
  18. Very Nice paint job there! I've always liked the simple and in my eyes clean and elegant look of the 90s. Yep I did have a go at some PH steps for the 37. They are defintely filed in the "when there's nothing else" to do or I've lost the plot box. Not an easy job! I think I got a bit carried away after making up some of his etches for 47s and 33s which i rather like. cheers Will
  19. Thanks Will!! I'm nearly there with this board - just another tortoise to fit and I may add a catch point then loads of track detailing to do. Also I want to fit some Ambis point stretcher things to the flatbottom cross over. Had a mini scare the other day with them as my test loco (the 09 in a few pictures) kept derailing over it. Then found the Ultrascales back to back was out on one wheel. Phew, Something new to fix! Truth be told I need to work out what to do fiddle yard wise before I can run more than a single loco; and I plan a third and smaller board that will be the station area, In it's current home (the garage) that is the limit of the size i have so will operate it as a terminus, The C&L tie bars are a pain to fit tbh. as they're not really designed for tortoises. I've taken to extreme measures... drill a small hole in the centre of the sliding bar.... fit a stiffer spring wire from piano wire then mount a bit of wood behind it for the tortoise. Any plastic on the TOU is then hacked that gets in the way. I've no idea if soldering the droper wires from the point is correct but that was the only way I could get them to work. Saying all that its quite satisfying when it's all done and actually works! I'm hoping they place a bit less stress on my trackwork but only time will tell. cheers Will
  20. Thanks Jack i think I may just open this one and have a look - especially in the current times it's not really worth going to the post office to return it! I have a few spare so will swap it out. A good suggestion though and I'll try and work out whats wrong cheers Will
  21. Hmm Of my two colbalts fitted I now have one with a loud clicking sound on one throw. It had been ok for a year or so. I guess it's faulty? is there a fix or is it for the bin like everything else I've owned from DCC Concepts? cheers Will
  22. I did intend to have neat wiring... hey ho Damm DCC concepts!!! One of my colbalts is now constantly clicking... I guess thats the end of that one? I have to say anyone reading this my experience with DCC concepts stuff is rotten. 20 odd decoders have failed on me; a tail lamp and now I think I can add a cobalt unless I'm missing something. An expensive lesson. Not how the manufactorer intended!! But at least it fits follwing my lining up mistake!! So far a fairly productive Easter. I hope you're all having fun!
  23. Well I'm not entirely sure the brick cladding has been a success. before spraying I even quite likled the colour! I used the original timber tracks brick overlays and when fitting and noticed that the main body didn't look as defined as the foot of the building overlay. When sprayed white it looks more like timber cladding! I think I'm in for a few evenings marking vertical lines to define bricks as I don't have an alternative plan! On a slightly positive note I'm attempted to hide the edges on the cladding and am quite happy with how the ends are disguised, Hey ho. I've learnt that buildings try my patience even more than locos! Have a great Easter!
  24. It sounds like a productive weekend to me! Cheers Will
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