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Everything posted by dj_crisp

  1. Station building is looking excellent. If I ever build something GER I'll be very tempted with it.
  2. Good stuff Im looking forward to seeing how you get on with this project. Cheers Will
  3. I've finally had a break from work and so had some time in the garage (where's summer as it's well cold). Limited progress so far other than getting a basic coat of paint on the track and started work on the girder bridge extension. I've tried to make the bridge a curve so that it'll hopefully allow me to include a curved backscene here. Space is so tight I'm not sure how successful it'll be and I also need to fit some retaining walls or similar to suggest some thing is going on and it's not a bridge to nowhere. Spraying the track has at least made it look a bit more uniform. Next up will be some lighter browns on the less used track and new concrete section. cheers Will
  4. I've always hoped for a 104 in NSE. Looking forward to this one
  5. Awesome. I doubt I'll be able to resist..
  6. I'd say it kind of depends on track you're modelling... for example on mine I'm using code 82 for flat bottom rail on concrete or wooden sleepers and code 75 for bullhead. I often prefer seeing code 100 with concrete sleepers and think for main lines looks perfectly fine. A trick is to widen the sleeper spacing if you can be bothered. Sidings etc will probably look a bit better using code 75 tbh though. Only recommendation from me is to use the largest radius points where possible. Enjoy!
  7. Hi Will A high tech mock up of the second span. Lol Aim is for a fairly tight clearance and I might bring it a bit more inwards. Its an area of the layout that I'm not totally happy with and wish I had more space! Cheers Will
  8. Thanks all! Its not really the right way round but I think if I can sort out the exit of the layout I can then work out if I can sneak in a curved backscene... and then see if the back of the layout looks OK. Obviously proper layout planning might do this the other way round Plan is for the branch to go under a plate girder bridge which will be the next section I'm going to build. I dont think I can do the precision needed for brick so this one is going to be clad in stone. Admittedly im not looking forward to the arch! My anglia green wasn't supposed to be anglia. The funny thing is I've got a pot of anglia green from a joblot of railmatch paints off ebay but thought it looked too bright on a tester... so mixed up my own version which ended up very close to anglia green... and then applied a white wash over it. Its nowhere near the shellstar blue I intended but I'm happy with it now. Just waiting for an opportunity to airbrush some doors. Drain pipes are just brass u section and 2mm brass rod. The supports are legs from resistors which bend really easily and I have loads of scrap. A blob of solder which is filed is the end cap. There is a cruel close up on the signalbox. All soldered up its quite strong and then quickly primed and painted with halfords rattle cans.... I must get through a load of matt black in a year! Cheers all for looking Will
  9. Thanks. I attempted and failed to make it look convincing....and the thought of building them for 8 locos didn't appeal! Hacking Lima bodies was alot easier. I think so... link below
  10. Thought has turned to how to hide the entrance to the traversa and so I've taken on the first part of the scenic barrier; I've attempted an eliptical arch so that the overall bridge is not at right angles with an attempt to eventually trying to hide the corner at the back. Hopefully having the bridge at an angle will allow me to have a curved backscene I'm planning on a girder bridge and retaining wall at the back.... haven't yet worked out the front with it sloping away although I think a road embankment or similar hidded by trees is my best thought at present!
  11. 698 is class... but I admit I rather like your hattons shed... even though its a shed
  12. A bit of progress on the fertiliser shed I've splashed some paint on and just soldered up some guttering. There are plenty of tidy ups to do but overall despite the best efforts of my terrible painting I think it's ok. The doot needs spraying and fitting but I've attempted to make an impression something is going on inside and tried to hide the thick walls. Next up is doors then the tricky task of making some lights. thanks for looking Will
  13. Looking forward to these! Have you opened pre-orders for the CDAs?
  14. I've made a start on the fertiliser depot which is very loosly based on the one at Andover.... mainly because it's a very small when compared to the original and i don't have many photos of the structure! The basic structure has been built from some lovely marine 2mm ply offcuts - ! really enjoyed working with this material! Plenty of reinforcement has been added to try and prevent warping etc. I wanted a open view on one half so decided to have a go building a steel frame for brass I sections. I've got the roof supports to build and currently not sure if I'll use plastikard or brass. As the siding is not parallel to the basedboard edge means the shape of the roof is a little complicated but hopefully adds a bit of interest. It's been a bit of a marathon cladding the structure in brickwork and corrugated sheets which have been scribed to suggest standard sheets have been used. I've also clad under the open roof to try and hide the ply in an attempt to make the roof look lightweight and thin. Hopefully that work when finished! A bit of the inside will be modelled to suggest something is there as one day i hope to model a working door. Thats a long term project! Anyway lots to do detail wise and plenty of tidy ups needed... I'm already pleased with some of the views it offers and I think hides the baseboard joint quite nicely! When the frame is glued to the roof it's legs will be nice and straight Happy Modelling all Will
  15. ECC blue/silver as well and plenty of running packs pretty please
  16. I've made a start on the interior made from a severn models kit, some scrap brass and some 3d printed stuff found on Ebay; TBH I've now idea what does what so to a trained signalman this probably looks awful! It was amazing how hard fitting the glazing was which I did over the course of a week! Coming together now - a few details here and there to sort out and then have the fun task of trying to work out what rodding should come out of the box Happy Modelling all Will
  17. Seems a fair price to me for the level of finesse and work involved to get them this far. I'm hoping there is sufficient profit in these to allow cavalex to grow and produce future gems
  18. Awesome stuff. Really looking forward to your CDA variant And I admit your HAA is so tempting.... looks the business. I think I may need to sell the family silver.
  19. A great choice! Being from Nottingham my favourite trip out was to trent valley to see the MGRs. Great stuff!
  20. Hi Ken Very useful info. I think to be on the safe side I'm going to wire in some resistors. Cheers Will
  21. I use straffpether Junction sockets available direct or on ebay. I've used both 8 pin and 21 pin versions and they're very neat. I know there are other versions available but think they're just copies so I avoid these
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