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2mm Andy

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Everything posted by 2mm Andy

  1. Ian, Either 2-354 or 2-357 are suitable depending what brake gear you would like. I think that 2-076 buffers are suitable depending on the period you are modelling (some of the vans were fitted with OLEO buffers later on in their lives). 2-075 never actually made it into the 2mm shop which is a shame given that they are one of the most widespread BR wagon buffer types. As ever, Paul Bartlett's wagon photos are a good source of photos (albeit from the 1970s onwards); https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brvanplanked https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/brvanplywoodvvv Incidentally, I think the shop description should read 1/208, 1/213 for those van bodies, although you can also build the meat van and insulated van types with the alternative ends supplied on the plastic sprues. regards, Andy
  2. Nick Mitchell produced a series (34 parts!) of videos on building the Nigel Hunt chassis for the Peco Jubilee body. These go through the whole range of processes involved in the chassis construction (and detailing of the body) and are well worth watching; http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/jubilee/ There is also a thread in the 2mm section here; Andy
  3. Replacement chassis etches for the Peco Jubilee and the Farish Jubilee are available from Nigel Hunt; http://2mm.org.uk/small_suppliers/nigelhunt/chassis-kits.htm Both are etches only, ie. require wheels, gears, motor, etc. Andy
  4. Not sure that the L&B coach in York museum is quite as bad as that GWR coach - last time I saw it, it was complete with an underframe and wheels, upholstered interior and windows, all of which the New Forest GWR coach seems to be lacking. I do agree that the New Forest coach body is deserving of rescue if possible though - there aren't many coaches of that period surviving, and if a North Staffordshire Railway coach can be restored from the composted remains found near Rudyard Lake (discovered by an RMweb member I think!) then the New Forest coach is surely restorable (subject to finance, etc.); https://knottycoachtrust.org.uk/history-of-no-23/ Andy
  5. Apparently it failed to sell - bidding reached £6200 though! https://www.national-preservation.com/threads/ten-grand-for-a-grounded-body.1419697/ Andy
  6. Hi Daniel, That's fine - I've sent you a private message. Andy
  7. Both of those are already there; Signing into an account is an option after it asks you who has taken the test (ie. yourself or a.n.other). Note that it only comes up with that option if you answer "yourself" which might explain why you haven't seen it. QR code option;
  8. Sorry, have only just noticed your post. No underground leaflets I'm afraid, just the Neasden depot exhibition booklet pictured above. Andy
  9. It's hidden away on their website a bit ( https://www.festrail.co.uk/faq/ ) but Festiniog trains have compartments, so no masks required once you're on the trains. Welsh Highland trains have saloon carriages, so masks required on board, and perspex dividers between seating bays. Andy
  10. and hopefully donate to their Covid appeal; https://www.festrail.co.uk/news_and_events_item/covid-19-appeal/ Andy
  11. I suspect Kevin was referring to Jerry being something of a self-confessed technophobe (although I was impressed with the speed at which he got the hang of the 'Zoom' software last spring, even if there were a few "Kim, how do I do this..." moments during the first few ZAG meetings). Andy
  12. Back left looks like a Bulleid light pacific, presumably Farish. Andy
  13. Sounds like an ideal project for a first attempt at etch design, Jerry.... Andy
  14. I don't think things are going that well in Israel - they are starting to have issues with the Delta variant spreading, predominantly amongst the unvaccinated schoolchildren; https://www.timesofisrael.com/israel-pushes-vaccine-for-teens-amid-fears-over-fast-spreading-delta-variant/ Andy
  15. Back in stock now it seems; https://www.lightrailwaystores.co.uk/collections/planet-industrials/products/pil-005 Andy
  16. The "side-by-side" OS maps feature available on the National Library of Scotland website are quite useful, especially as the chimney casts quite a distinctive shadow on the present day aerial photo. https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/side-by-side/#zoom=18&lat=55.76090&lon=-1.99361&layers=168&right=ESRIWorld As others have said, seems to be a relic of a manure works/chemical works. Andy
  17. The straight guide I have with my jig (purchased a number of years ago) has five holes drilled at one end, and four closely-spaced holes at the other. The latter seem to fit the baseplate as per the instructions. Your photo only shows one end of the guide - are there any holes in the other end? If not, it maybe that you have one that escaped before manufacture was completed. (BTW, the stop strip is a different part of the jig that fits up against the edge of the baseplate to align the ends of the pcb strips). Andy
  18. My dad has been having a clearout - all the following free to a good home with postage at cost. PM me for more details of any item. thanks, Andy 2008 timetables; June/July 1964 excursion handbills; 1962/3 and 1956 handbills; Underground leaflet - now gone wagon labels and reservation label
  19. Hi Justin, I was flicking through the May 2021 BRM magazine and happened to notice that Vintage Miniature Models have an ad (on page 110). Contact details seem to be the same as on the cached website, but at least it confirms that they were still trading at the time the magazine was put together. Anyway, hopefully you'll get a reply to your email. Andy
  20. If you've got a branch of "The Range" near you, they also sell it. It comes in sizes from A4 up to A1 - if you get the bigger sheets, it is probably best to chop it up to fit the turnout you're working on (plus a bit of space around it). You can build an awful lot of 2FS turnouts using an A1 sheet. Andy
  21. Agreed. The change in symptoms reported is interesting too (and emphasizes the importance of testing if the symptoms are less severe or could be confused with other illnesses as seems to be suggested). Andy
  22. Latest update from the ZOE covid study, most of which is not good news; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHBua3aXQ7c Concerning that the R value is estimated to be so high in London, particularly given that vaccination rates seem to be lower there (33.6% fully vaccinated vs 54.1% for England as a whole). Andy
  23. The 2mm Scale Association crossings are milled from nickel silver (including the relief in the side of the rail to represent the web of BH rail) and have a tapped hole that allows them to be screwed down to the turmout base. Andy
  24. Graham Eason (the man behind this company) is a 2mm Scale Association member (and a fellow NEAG member) but I've not heard anything from him since the start of the first lockdown last March. Have you tried emailing him at the address on the cached website? IIRC the website/company name has changed a couple of times over the years (Vintage Transport in Miniature, etc.). Andy
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