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Wherry Lines

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Status Updates posted by Wherry Lines

  1. Ordered 9 left-handed points. Meant to order 5 left and 4 right. Oops.

    1. Rowsley17D


      Did the same thing when I wanted 3 curved points, manged to order 2 and ordinary one!

    2. holywell junction

      holywell junction

      I guess it wasn't a pointless exercise...sorry, done the same myself!

    3. Sturminster_Newton


      More of a challenge to design a layout that uses all the same hand points. Bit like planning a road trip by making only left hand turns.

  2. Trying to create a semi-original track plan for a shunting layout. Each idea ends up looking like someone else's!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Stationmaster

      The Stationmaster

      Shunting layouts have a tendency to turn into layouts that can be shunted - it's all been done before.

    3. Stubby47


      Use diamond crossings to put tracks next to 'existing' buildings

    4. DCB


      Chances are if its totally unique it won't work. no reason not to try though.

  3. Caught up with the Class 68 powered short set today. Also tried to get the 37's, but they spend the afternoon sat in the yard.

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Did both short sets

      from Norwich to Lowerstoft and a 37 Short set to Gt Yarmouth. I was very surprised with the Class 68 in the way accelerate and sounded.

    2. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      Especially when only one is powering the train at a time. I thought there a little bit of 20 and 47 to the exhaust note.

    3. Londontram


      Wasn't you hanging out the window with a camera as it left Yarmouth was it Terry?

  4. Anyone else tried Zwift?

    1. Londontram


      cleared my drains lovely and quick

    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Oh yes, all the time, great stuff, fantastic taste and really brings out the texture of the cannelloni.



      (What is it and what does it do?)

  5. I've started building my first wagon kit!

    1. muddys-blues
    2. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      In N. A pair of PNA's.

  6. I have a strong urge to buy a Fleischmann BR 55 (AKA Prussian G8.1)

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Very sensible move, that!

    2. Claude_Dreyfus


      Don't fight it...resistance is futile.

  7. Visited Tim Horn to collect a pair of baseboards. A marvellous undertaking and a superb chap!

    1. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      Has "Reedham" been born?

    2. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      Yes, Pete. I'll be starting a thread in the next couple of months - I've got some track to build first!

  8. On an AGA 156 to Norwich. Thud thud thud thud thud...

  9. Off sick thanks to an Asthma attack on Tuesday. The result is that I am pondering a model of Reedham in N using Tim Horn's laser-cut baseboards..

    1. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      Perfect location. Go on, go on, go on, go on!

    2. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      It's very tempting, Pete.

  10. Enjoyable day visiting the NNR to see the Y14. Great Eastern blue is a lovely livery.

  11. Enjoyable day visiting the NNR to see the Y14. Great Eastern blue is a lovely livery.

  12. Tomorrow looks like a lovely day for a 100 mile cycle ride around Norfolk.

    1. DonB


      "Very flat, Norfolk"

    2. uax6


      But it's not, not even the fen roads are flat!

  13. Tomorrow looks like a lovely day for a 100 mile cycle ride around Norfolk.

  14. Tomorrow looks like a lovely day for a 100 mile cycle ride around Norfolk.

  15. Convinced SWMBO that I'd like a Transrail class 60 for xmas as it is a different 'colour' to the petroleum sector livery I already have...

  16. Convinced SWMBO that I'd like a Transrail class 60 for xmas as it is a different 'colour' to the petroleum sector livery I already have...

  17. Superb service from Judith Edge kits. I now have a 2mm Hunslet 05 to build.

  18. Kids have been back 2 days and I'm ill already!

  19. About to attempt to fit a B&B coupling into an NEM pocket.

  20. Merry Christmas all.

  21. Pondering a 4mm GE layout, but really do not have any space!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      I'm looking for an excuse to buy an L1!

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      If you want one go out & buy it you don't need an excuse.

      My other half spent a stupid amount of money on a pair of designer shoes recently by some guy called " Jimmy Choo " as a result when I buy a loco etc I don't feel guilty as her clothes shopping bills always outgun my model bills. Go out. & buy one & enjoy it ;)

    4. Wherry Lines

      Wherry Lines

      Alas, I have nowhere to run it - I'm an N gauger!

  22. I've just spent 4 hours in a shed playing trains. Sod growing up!

    1. Mythocentric


      I'll drink to that!

  23. kayaking upside down doesn't really work that well...

    1. Kris


      Does if you're squirt boating.


  24. I think this has to be the longest continuous rumble of thunder I've ever heard - 6 minutes and still going!

    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      you sure you're not just hungry?

    2. Horsetan


      Went on a 2-hour hack. Got back just in time to escape the rain :-)

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