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Status Updates posted by BrianB

  1. argh, why are all the thread I read drool over being moved out of Layouts... Is this a challenge to make me keep searching/forgetting?

  2. well I guess thats it for our 1 track local rail line up the Island. They replaced 1500 railway ties, got it inspected, found another 104000 need replacing... cant see that happening. Will miss the Budd RDC-1 bobbing along the line....

  3. http://xkcd.com/878/ haha, a geek Model rail joke :)
  4. http://xkcd.com/878/ haha, a geek Model rail joke :)
    1. halfwit


      Anyone done it yet?

  5. Went to the Nanaimo model rail show o nthe west coast of BC, all we have here. Not stunning but better than nothing. Only one UK model supplier there though, but came away with a Class 20...and so it begins :)

  6. signed contracts on my new job, handed notice on my old one... and have just created an account at hattons... time to go buying :)

    1. Mikkel


      Congratulations, sounds like a pretty good day!


  7. hopefully scored a new better paying job... right time go browse hattons and find out shipping costs to Canada :)

  8. is it wrong getting my train "fix" watching Chugington with my kids?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James


      No! My little loves Chugginton, especially Brewster!

    3. Ed-farms


      Question is do your children want to watch Chuggington or are you making them watch it?

    4. BrianB


      My two girls dont like Thomas, its this or nothing :)

  9. is realizing he just doesnt have the $$$ needed to really continue actaully building a loyout.

  10. Took my daughter to her first ever Hockey game today...great fun.

  11. Happy new year to you all, I know none of you, I don’t even have a layout, but the discussions, photos and layouts on here inspire me daily…thank you all…

  12. Is trying hard to ignore the advert on a local website of someone selling full size classic double decker bus to restore....sure I have no expierence but oh my, how cool! Maybe I could put on the back garden and put my layout inside.

  13. RIP Leslie Nielsen

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Don't call me Shirley...

    3. Horsetan


      So sad to hear. A master of deadpan, he consistently made me laugh.

    4. Sylvian Tennant

      Sylvian Tennant

      It's a sad, sad day in comedy :( RIP

  14. enough of the snow alread, -18 windchill...brr.. evening in reading this site me thinks.

    1. pH


      Unlucky about the snow - we only got the temperatures.

  15. first day at work in 18 months, awesome. Hwoever less time to read Rmweb and all the site I like to check.

  16. So Happy, just landed a job after 18 months out of work. can start long term plan of finally buying some stuff

    1. steveb860


      Well done Brian, really pleased for you.

    2. bcnPete


      Nice one Brian - Good luck!

  17. better get one of the 3 jobs im interviewing for this week so I can finally buy some sodding OO gauge stuff...

  18. ah, that was a long day... I had to actually do work! Rmweb back. I can slack off

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