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Everything posted by Highlandman

  1. Can John make any animals or pirate hats with that thing? Good to see you at ExpoEm today and many thanks for letting me take some more pictures. Please feel free to use any that you want. Kind regards Andy
  2. Morning all. Southwest London, the sun's out, the birds are singing and all's well. Should be going along to ExpoEM today to pick up some supplies. Looking forward to maybe bumping into some RMwebbers.
  3. The Orange Army are still at it. Lots of remedial work still to be done. What a fantastic job they are still doing.
  4. Fantastic slide show on YouTube Allan. For someone who says they are not very computer savvy you've done a great job. It shows of your modelling skills to perfection. Looking at your last few posts it's a shame that we as modellers missed out on so many tips and how to's just because of one mans reticence to publish your work.
  5. Now I'm definitely going to have to come to Bracknell to re-photograph the Polybulks after seeing them in pristine condition at Epsom. Some really nice weathering there. A level for me to aim for.
  6. MFI, Made For Idiots. Now that brings back memories. Plastic wood grain, even more plastic chipboard and cheap hinges and screws. A free funny icon to the first person who comes up with a similar acronym for IKEA. [Edited for incorrect spellings, MUST TRY HARDER.]
  7. In shore fishing. Surprisingly close to the shore. Hope it's not the Spanish.
  8. Just read the booklet that came with Model Rail. Fantastic read with some great pictures. Models, guitars and cars. What ever next, will this man ever retire? I can only assume as a Mercedes Benz lover Allan is avidly watching this years F1 season while modelling.
  9. Yeah!!! It's back :-)

    1. Trebor


      I thought it was just me not able to access all day, finished work at 10am as well, Grrr had to do more useful stuff instead....

  10. As always, some wonderful modelling. There appears to be a slight dogleg at the joint between this board and the old one. Is this just a photographic anomaly or is it something that needs to be sorted out with some track realignment?
  11. Which suppliers blades would you recommend to use in a Stanley knife if you regards their own make as crap? How do YOU determine a good blade? And finally..........
  12. Just found these. The Polybulks The hidden postal coach And finally............ "Damn it!!! Where are we going to hold club meetings now?"
  13. Glad you and the wife like it Allan. It took some doing to find the right picture and get the lighting and perspective right. The rest was all up to good ol' Photoshop. Does look the part though. Don't it. All the best Andy
  14. A little bit of 'Downes' art. Maybe you should consider a gallery show.
  15. Don't you just hate it when you take a picture of work you are doing and all it shows is the marks, errors and missed paint that you thought you had found.

    1. Frappington Jct
    2. Indomitable026


      that happens all the time to me. I now use it to spot all the marks errors and missed paint!

  16. I thoroughly enjoyed Diesels in the Duchy at the recent Epsom show and hope to see it again at Expo EM. Meanwhile here are a few pictures I managed to take of this wonderful layout. And many thanks for taking the time to chat.
  17. I did not, in anyway, assume that hand cut was inferior, as I am in awe of the Masters skills. What I did mean was could time, repetitive strain injury and stress be reduced by having multiple parts already produced to use. The workmanship here is of the highest quality and something I can only aspire to. To own a Downes would be like owning a Cuneo or a Monet.
  18. Great work as always Gordon. Had you thought about using the building sheets from SE Finecast. They do a stone blocks one in 4mm and 7mm. Another range is Redutex. Produced in Spain and sold here by Model Texture UK or DCC Supplies
  19. As always Allan, such amazing work, and everything hand cut. With such intricate designs and patterns do you ever consider going down the 'dark side' and having them etched or laser cut so they are more easily reproduced should you need them again?
  20. Couldn't think of anywhere else to put this, so here goes. "The rule book states that at a point where traffic may cross the hoses, ramps must be used!"
  21. For those that did not get to see the layout here is a short days trainspotting at Portchullin. http://youtu.be/3sfFC2CTrzo
  22. It's a real shame that there are always one or two idiots that will always want to abuse or attack someone just trying to do there job, often under stressful or difficult situations. It was because of some of these idiots that I stopped working on the retail shop floor and eventually got out of retail all together. I'd been sworn at, spat at and swung at all for trying to do my job, and there's not enough money in the world that will make me put up with that sort of behaviour. I have a real sympathy with everyone who works in the public sector or with members of the public, who constantly have to put up with abuse, verbally and physically. Unfortunately it seems to be a growing trend and until stiffer deterents are put in place it looks like people who serve the public will suffer at a small minority of them. You all have my utmost respect for putting up with the cr*p that is thrown at you on a daily basis and I can only say a big thank you to all those who keep our railways and other public services running. Hopefully, one day, the time and fine will fit the crime, and make your job that little bit easier.
  23. As always fantastic pictures CK and many thanks for keeping us up to date with what is happening. Where the land slips have been are the grey posts for new fencing or are you installing stone signals as at Pass of Brander alongside Loch Awe in Scotland? If slips are becoming more common along this stretch of line would this type of signal be a viable safety addition? Keep up the great work.
  24. I love the way they have put brand new double glazing units in the box, which look great, but have done bugg*r all about the woodwork. Talk about contrasts.
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