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Isambard Kingdom Brunel

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Blog Comments posted by Isambard Kingdom Brunel

  1. I went to B & Q to get a replacement and they only had metric, no 3.2mm either.

    So I went to an Ironmongers/hardware store called Garners in Skelmersdale (much nearer than B & Q, but I keep forgetting its there)

    It has a big wooden counter which makes you want to ask for "Four Candles", it was a warm day so the fellow behind the counter didn't have his brown coat on.

    Asked him for a 1/8" Imperial drill and he goes behind the scenes and runs upstairs, comes down with a plastic tube full of drill bits, asks how many do you want? One, says I, he scanned the bar code on the tube and says that will be 52p.

    I didn't have the heart to say I would like a 1/4" drill bit too !

    I really should go there more often, would love to know what they stock upstairs

  2. I realise this is an old thread, buy, I am trying to mount the motor in my 14xx comet chassis. the motor fits between the frames nicely and I tried using sticky fixers, (cut in halfnd stuck together), but, I think it is floating too much. The gearbox and motor assembly are mounted around an axle, but occasionly it must "float" too much an I get a squeaking noise. (which I assume is the worm and gear not meshing properly) if i push the motor down this is cured

    Any other ideas how I can stop this?

  3. Hi IKB,


    Not completely sure what you mean here, but the loco does need to have a hook at one end for doing run-rounds etc. It doesn't strictly need to have a bar at the hook-end though, as the hook-end of the loco would be facing a wagon with only a bar at that end.


    This would be a lot easier to show than say smile.gif


    Thanks, this is the problem I have had trouble understanding. I read on a previous thread(RMWEB Mk3 version 2 build 3 ;) ) that locos have a bar at either end. Which as far as I was concerned made running round a train impossible, you could push but, not pull. The reply about the bar at each end was a reply to a question of how do you fit a S & W hook under a loco, there does not seem to be enough room.


    If I had a hook at each end of all other rolling stock and kept coaches in rakes with hook at either end then Running round and shunting would be possible.


    You know I quite liked the 3 link coupling on my last layout, it was quite simple to fit and the only downside was seeing the end of the shunters pole and not derailing all the stock when uncoupling. :(


    I must move on though as on this layout I will not be able to easily reach to uncouple.


    Do you have a photo of a hook fitted to a GWR Loco? I shall be using 14XX 74XX, 22XX and Dean Goods primarily.

  4. Interesting Richard. I did initially consider leaving off the bar at the hook-end, but found that the hook would then be prone to tilt upwards (rather than remaining horizontal) . But maybe you have found a workaround to that?


    If the loco has a bar at each end, How do you manage shunting? If the loco pulls a train into a terminus, it then runs round the goods wagons. The loco can then push wagons, but, cannot pull the brake van off the train or remove the train after unloading.?


    Or am I missing something extremely fundamental here???

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