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Everything posted by Hippo

  1. Can't believe the kingswear Castle has gone home !!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RJS1977


      I'd always hoped to see the KC, the Waverley and the MQ together but that seems unlikely now, especially given the Waverley's poor season this year.


    3. RJS1977


      Further to that, just read that Waverley will be sailing next year, but Balmoral won't be.

    4. Hippo


      It may still happen one day, The KC going to the river Dart is only a 15 yr lease. Shame about the Balmoral, I have only been on it once prefering to wait until the Waverly is in town

  2. Hippo

    Boarded up and Boxed in

    Brilliant, very well designed Owen
  3. Has had a row with my printer. I think I won, as its now in the bin. Although I now can't print want I want!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. skipepsi


      You do not have to speak to that dumb piece of electrical scrap ever again = win

    3. LH&JC


      Won the battle, lost the war perhaps?

    4. 3 link

      3 link

      Do not feel to bad I have killed 4 of the bl**dy things in the past 2 years..

  4. Has broken a tooth. Thats my modelling budget gone for the next few years.......

    1. AndyB


      Sympathies. I'm planning on consulting one tomorrow, too. Wondering if when they do estimates they suck through their own teeth or falsies.

  5. Should stop watching Homeland, its far too confusing

    1. Jon020


      at least it's not as bad as LOST. All getting a bit dodgy now thought... and on a sunday night!

  6. Has a shopping list for Warley tomorrow, and is not afraid to stray from it

  7. Is off to the Romford Model Railway Society show today

  8. Is mostly spraying today

  9. Late start today, get to drop my daugter off at school for the first time.

  10. P.S. Waverley yesterday, Kingswear Castle today.

  11. P.S. Waverley yesterday, Kingswear Catle today.

  12. Off horse racing for the first time

    1. Horsetan


      Are you riding?

    2. Allegheny1600


      Somehow, I don't think I'd bet on a Hippo against any horse!

  13. Will tomorrow be hauled by 34067, 60019, and 70000. Should be good

  14. Is trying to work out if he wants to go for ADR or not

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hippo


      I dunno about that Skipepsi, I earn alright where i am,

    3. Catkins


      I'd go for it - you never know what's just round the next corner.

    4. mozzer models

      mozzer models

      if you can Add the ADR explosive most leave this off but with it you can move fireworks that remind me need to renew mine

  15. Just got back from the Bishops Stortford model railway exhibition

  16. Brilliant. Great modelling, great idea, really well written. I have throughly enjoyed this thread Thanks Owen
  17. My wifes a season ticket holder at Spurs. I feel it may be a quiet evening

  18. Has to get up at 3am to go to work. Grrrrrr

  19. Has to get up at 3am to go to work. Grrrrrr

  20. Hates getting up at 4:30 to go to work

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Hates getting up at 0430 for any reason?!

    2. Hippo


      yep far too early, only just got in from work

  21. Clear blue skies in Essex. It's gonna be a great day

    1. SHMD


      Watch out for the lion!

    2. Hippo


      lol its Kestrel and Falcon I'm more concerned about

  22. Is off to the Olympic park today, and cannot wait

    1. gwrrob


      It will be busy.

    2. jonhall


      let us know how you get on - i'm off there tomorrow evening. Are stadiun ticket returns available once you get into the park?

    3. Hippo


      It was a great day, No shade though so we got quite burnt. Don't know about the returns tickets, sorry

  23. Just been outside... Its far too hot LOL

    1. trisonic


      Ha! The first complaint!

      (Though I am sure you are kidding....)

    2. Hippo


      Sure am, Its lovely to feel the sun beating down on you, But i thought as I'm British I ought to complain about it


  24. has been out and bought some timber for a new project

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