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Everything posted by Anglian

  1. I appreciate that fact that you added the word 'generally' however, there are exceptions and I very much doubt I'm the only one. I'm not old enough to remember mainline steam but I went to school and college in the BR corporate blue era and as much as I love railways (I worked for the rail industry for twelve years) I have less than zero interest in recreating the railway of my youth or indeed my later life. The steam powered railway of the 1920s and 30s has been my passion but now increasingly it's the pre-group era, the golden age of steam, that really appeals. What may actually happen in time is exactly the opposite of what you suggest. As the population ages and fewer people can recall mainline steam, like me they won't be modelling the railway of their youth at all. Given a free reign without personal nostalgic experiences to steer them they may choose to model any era and location they fancy. That the pre-group steam engine models have proven to be strong sellers indicates that there is a latent interest in this era of railway history and that may gather pace. The point is that we just don't know what the model buying public may primarily want to buy in 20 years time until we get there.
  2. The Long and Winding Road – Beatles
  3. A Hard Day's Night – Beatles
  4. Every year I write that it's about time Hornby did one of the big Southern tanks as they have done so for the LNER, LMS and GWR. So once again I'll say G16 or H16 or perhaps even the Z class. The SECR D is a very real possibility. It's sort of now taken on the same status that the Adams Radial enjoyed in the past. While on the subject of that, it's ready to appear in some new liveries. Left field – battery powered radio control system.
  5. Wainwright D has surely got to be on someone's radar by now. I'd like an LBSC K class mogul or a 2C.
  6. Since they are going to at Stand B31A in a dyslexic moment I somehow read that as meaning they would be producing a Class 31. Would that fit with their recent rolling stock?
  7. La France arrived yesterday and very lovely it is. I guess because I've only been buying pre-group engines they have been small or even tiny models, in the case of the SECR P Class, this Atlantic has a real presence. The tender top was a bit of a shock as I'd just presumed it would be black.
  8. Email from Rails a few moments ago to let me know that La France has been dispatched.
  9. I bought this issue primarily for the Westcliffe piece that I've had the pleasure of seeing several times. However, I could read a whole book about the Norris layout – the letters were glimpse into a fascinating world. With one Neil Corner locomotive featured that got me thinking that I'd love to know how Lonsdale turned out…
  10. Can anybody tell me what the white(?) sports car is behind the dark Morris and in front of what might be a two tone painted Austin?
  11. @ Steve K Thank you for your reply – it sounds as if the design of the Mk3 MR2 is pretty bullet proof. Have you had to have the clutch changed yet – do you know how many miles/years they typically tend to last? Do you service the car yourself or does the local garage who modified your pre-cats do that?
  12. Steve, Thank you. I'm aware of the pre-cat issue and the potential issue with the rear subframe is there anything else that I should be aware of, anything that tends to wear prematurely? What's the best way to inspect the rear subframe – does the car need to go on ramps so I can get underneath or can it been seen from above. I have a practical car so storage space is not an issue for me.
  13. Toyota MR2 Mk3 pre-facelift. If I'm right can I ask you a few questions about the car, I'm thinking of buying one.
  14. I don't think it's a simple as that. What you'll often see is burnt long grass amongst greener grass. Of course if you are modelling high summer then the parched look is most appropriate. At that time of year the grass isn't really what I'll call brown it's more a pale bleached out light tan. As always I'd recommend photographic reference. If you can buy Gordon Gravet's book on modelling grass.
  15. Faux fur ie Teddy Bear fur but be aware that Fuax Fur and Fur Fabric are quite different things. Faux fur is about 4 or 5 times the price of fur fabric but it's what you want. There's colour called Wolf that is very popular for modelling grass.
  16. Across the Universe – Beatles
  17. Raining in my heart – Buddy Holly
  18. As both the Bachmann C Class and I except the Hattons P Class will demonstrate I'm not convinced that the number of real engines built has that much bearing on how well the model sells. A long working life in various guises is probably more relevant to model sales.
  19. One of my neighbours has a Roush 'improved' Mustang with a super charger and like that of your neighbour this car sounds amazing on start up. I can still hear it when he's well on his way, perhaps half a mile or so.
  20. Like a Rolling Stone – Dylan
  21. Don't let me down – Beatles
  22. All You Need is Love – Beatles
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