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Everything posted by Anglian

  1. The Night Before – Beatles
  2. I don't have a strong feeling either way. Other than pub money or model railway show money everything I buy is either on-line or debit card payment.
  3. True love Ways – Buddy Holley
  4. All you need is love – Beatles
  5. Old Brown Shoe – Beatles
  6. The ballad of John and Yoko – Beatles
  7. Cinnamon Girl – Susanna Hoffs & Matthew Sweet (cover)
  8. Can't by me love – Beatles
  9. Please please me – Beatles
  10. You've got to hide your love away – Beatles
  11. Have they? I missed that announcement.
  12. A completely new Terrier please but somehow I doubt it.
  13. As a small but nevertheless important detail – it's great to see figures modelled in period dress.
  14. Here Comes the Sun King – Beatles
  15. I hate to be the one to write this but it may help you get a better model. You might want to ask the painter to take a fresh look at the bunker numbers. On the left hand side the last number 4 appears to be higher and tighter to the 7 than perhaps it should be. On the right hand side the gap between the first 4 and the 7 is wider than the gaps between the 2 4 and 7 4. Of course this may be entirely prototypical as I've seen this level of variation in photographs, not specifically relating to the E4 class but on steam locomotives in general.
  16. You really got a hold on Me – Beatles
  17. As mentioned above, it depends on the complexity. Back-in-the-day when I had a layout about two hours was an enjoyable time frame.
  18. However you decide to resolve the way you partition your elements I strongly advise you to consider how you would like the sheet laid out if you were to use it. Avoid the temptation to get too much onto a sheet as individual items become a nightmare to cut out. I'd consider dividing the sections up with dashed lines so folks can cut the sheet into several pieces – again this makes it far easier to use. If there are necessary dimensions that would help the modeller locate the correct decal add them to the sheet along with your copyright, version number and date. These may seem like silly irrelevant details until the day comes when you wished you'd added them. If possible I'd split your production run so you can make adjustments once you have feedback from folks using it in the real world.
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