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Everything posted by Anglian

  1. It does indeed look fabulous. Were these the tanks that were used to strengthen the available locomotive fleet to cope with the Ascot race traffic? May I ask what brands of matt and gloss varnish you'll be using?
  2. Font T Have you ever considered getting into the garden with live steam NG?
  3. Little Wing – Jimi Hendrix
  4. There are some jobs that pedantry is a prerequisite and on that note is it possible to have a prerequisite? How does one pre-order something? Either you are placing and order or you are not. Surely a pre-order would be informing the vendor that you are about to place an order. I think I better stop there.
  5. I'd take issue with that chap on the O gauge forum – I'd suggest most of those who are seriously wealthy in the UK have inherited their wealth or a significant proportion of it. Your gates – having seen the image and understood what they are wouldn't it have been easier to do them in brass etch as one piece? On the artwork you can specify for the etch to only go half way through the sheet from either side. That would give you the relief you need. The basic artwork would be quick to draw as it's just a repeat pattern. The artwork could be distorted to give a half open version as well. There was a brilliant article in a back issue of MRJ which I bought specifically for this information on setting up artwork for etching, as I thought I'd use it one day.
  6. Yes, that's the one. The GWR P4 layout at Stevenage also ran faultlessly. I must have spent at least an hour watching it. In both instances the operators of these layouts invited me behind the scenes and couldn't have been more friendly and helpful in answering all of my questions.
  7. Tony, Great to see you today. I meant to mention that I'm waiting for some warmer weather when I can hope to get outside and set up the airbrush to prime four 'models'. They have such fine detail that I dare not brush prime them incase I reduce the fidelity. I had to smile reading your comments about the running of a certain layout. My experience of it exactly mirrors yours. I want to be able to vote it 'best of show' one day. The structure modelling in particular is superb. Funnily enough on the way home I thought of layout that was at this show a couple of years ago and which worked faultlessly. I watched it for so long that they found me a perch on their side of the barrier. Fine modelling and faultless operation is a compelling combination – the only layout I settled in to watch today for a period was The Summit. Swindon was having problems when I visited it (three times) but I thought there was some fine modelling and some very nicely controlled colouring on the layout.
  8. The Summit got my vote as it ran well and I liked the super elevated track. As mentioned it would have been even better had the stock truly reflected the S&C. However, on just about every layout I looked at there was evidence of poor running which was a shame. If the function doesn't match the aesthetic I tend to move on. I bought a piece of 3/32" brass rod and then came home to get on with some modelling. As always when I see a 3mm layout I always think – ah it's such a perfect size.
  9. Here comes the night – Them
  10. Thank you. I was wondering why I hadn't got that email so I checked my Rails Account only to discover that I'd not even placed the pre-order. I have now.
  11. I'll buy it for the Churston piece.
  12. Do you want to know a secret? – Beatles
  13. I want you (she's so heavy) – Beatles
  14. The night before – Beatles
  15. Mr Moonlight – Beatles (and others)
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