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Everything posted by Karhedron

  1. You are absolutely right about eliminating the reverse curves by incorporating them into the natural curve of the station throat. A perfect example of this at a mid-sized terminus is Penzance (4 platforms rather than 3 but still a good compact prototype). Going back a few years it had rather a nice set of slips making it very compact and interesting too.
  2. Sorry, just to clarify. Are the labels a match for the original farish shade of umber?
  3. I shall keep an eye out for a copy.
  4. Dapol have no plans that I know of for an N gauge version. However this might be of interest. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/89615-n-gauge-streamlined-great-western-railcar-kickstarter/
  5. I asked recently and sadly Kernow have no intention of shrinking this or several of their other tasty toys into N Gauge.
  6. Perhaps they are going for a "generic" offering like their O gauge milk tanker.
  7. I do not know if the south wales Pullman was a GWR service or just a BR(WR) one but you have a fair point. The GWR was not completely Pullman-free but in general they did prefer their own super saloons. The LMS and LNER both made use of Pullman coaches. I omitted them because I don't really model them.
  8. Piccies please? As for motive power, it depends on where you are modelling. Personally I like all things west-country. Since the GWR didn't run Pullman trains, that leaves the SR. I would probably go for the Devon Belle behind a nice sleek Bulleid Pacific. http://www.semgonline.com/misc/named_03.html
  9. A note on their FB page says that more CADs will be forthcoming. They have confirmed that the finished model will NOT have tension locks. However they have future plans for the chassis which may make use of it, hence its inclusion on the first draft.
  10. Given that Richard Webster of Lionheart is now "CME" at Dapol, are Lionheart likely to produce anything that directly competes with Dapol offerings? I know that Richard is still continuing with Lionheart but I cannot see why he would want to release anything that undermines his releases at Dapol.
  11. True but Dave would need to manufacture a bigger run which would eat up more of his working capital (at least until he sold enough of them). Dave does not (yet) have the deep pockets of the big boys so I can see the sense in him not putting all his eggs in one basket. I would buy one too.
  12. What is even more puzzling is that it is not a straight shoot-up of the N gauge version. That was originally a shoot-down of the airfix 4mm tanker I believe (shout now if I am wrong). That was a fairly old model and dated from a time when hybrid vehicles that could represent several prototypes were acceptable, it was a hybrid of GWR and LMS designs IIRC. I could kind of understand if Dapol had decided to shoot that up so as bring out a model quickly and cheaply. But why go to the effort of tooling up an all-new vehicle only once again make it a hybrid mish-mash?
  13. I believe Dave said in one of his earlier posts that he is only looking at locos for the moment as R&D costs can be recouped over a smaller production run. Rolling stock takes many more models to cover its costs.
  14. Well, pics are now up of the finished article. https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10549248_855123481172068_2102962158028234898_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10604670_855123484505401_4763109888519075503_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/10497985_855123457838737_3629132757663030039_o.jpg Looks a lot like the original CADs so I am guessing we have a generic product here rather than an accurate representation of a particular diagram.
  15. The canopies look excellent. I particularly like the modular design.
  16. Karhedron

    Ask Dave

    I would hazard a guess that the recipe for new models consists of a base of "not yet available" mixed with a generous quantity of "will it be likely to sell well" and seasoned with a dash of Rule #1.
  17. Hello, I managed to track down a thumbnail of this slide but the colour was not clear. To be fair the loco is so dirty that even the slide probably doesn't show the colour very well. The GWR lettering looked rather indistinct suggesting that is was showing through with the overlying paint having worn off (possibly assisted by over-enthusiastic cleaners ). If I wanted to model it, I would probably start with a black loco as the base, remove the BR crest, put GWR transfers on and then work to distress the lettering. Lastly I would weather the whole thing heavily.
  18. A good issue in my oppinion and I look forward to giving it a more thorough read. It looks like the "new products" section has been expanded somewhat and I was interested to see additions such as the link to the Kickstarter project. A very welcome piece of information.
  19. As we have seen, production capacity seems to be squeezed at the moment. Do you allocate valuable production slots to slow sellers (even if they have recovered their tooling costs) or focus limited resources on the best sellers. There is no point making 87s to sit on shelves if people are crying out for another run of 70s.
  20. I think it is no secret that the 4-CEP and Desiro have both been heavily discounted but models from the first run remain available in stores. They aren't really telling us anything we don't already know.
  21. Well, the manufacturer needs to be willing to take the work on. Dave has indicated that he is interested in the potential of kickstarter to fund new developments but only he can give you the yay or nay on a particular model.
  22. Not so sure about the 85s but Bachmann have told the NGS representatives that they are disappointed with the Desiro and 4-CEP sales.
  23. Is the Heljan 86 really that bad? To me it does look fundementally like an 86 with a much better level of detail than the old Hornby offering. http://www.ekmpowershop4.com/ekmps/shops/morrismodels/images/Heljan-8601-class-86-intercity-86214-sans-pareil-reduced-3897-p.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/37190-dalzell/10556939325/ What about the Dapol 86? I believe that is accurate but has not sold particularly well in N gauge.
  24. More china clay traffic is always a good thing and these PBAs form an interesting contrast to Kernow's existing JIAs. Now, if only some of these lovely Kernow models were released in N gauge. You really must persuade them to invest in a shrink-ray.
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