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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Might as well use up the last two Pannier shots I have in the folder....
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A variation of an earlier picture with 8752 pushed further back. I think it is more balanced this way!
  3. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Messing about with filters - again! Original
  4. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A pair of Panniers waiting to start work.... 8701 will need a crew but they are still doing that dance on the plank of wood...! As a result of the first picture I will be replacing the boiler dart!
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Panniers at rest. Or the original before I messed with it..
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Pannier day.... Staggered picture with the nose of 8752 pushing into view! Does show for close up's the models have got to be very clean??? Bit more to do on 8701 as the brake linkage needs attention.
  7. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Work is progressing on 8701, nearly there. A few quick pictures from the mobile for now.. Quality not good when you zoom in....won't try that one again. As you may recall a while back I ordered all the GWR loco crew newly produced by Modelu, instead of just painting the two for this loco or perhaps even the Dean Goods I decided I would paint all eight. Select what I needed and the put the others into a safe (known) place for future additions to the motive fleet for Little Muddle. So here is the eight, just a bit more work on the faces and odd details then they will be ready..
  8. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And it's upside down as well!
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    For those of you interested here is the underside of the Bachmann chassis - wheel assembly removed! It shows the thin plastic I used to keep the two halves from making contact plus super glue is another good insulator so any areas missed I covered with a layer. The two wires are making each half 'live' which connect to the chip with the wheels picking up the power, transferring it to the chassis halves by the simple means of the wheel spindles (insulated in the middle to keep them separate) rubbing on the exposed metal in the seating - all very technical. The motor is also separated from the chassis mountings and connected to the chip via two wires - this was the most difficult bit to insulate but again super glue came to the rescue. Coupling loops in place for the S&W fittings, brass tub fixed in place vertically to allow the loop to be adjusted to the correct height and then glued Transfer time, anything and everything pressed into service to hold the model in place for ease of fixing them One thing I would say is that it is best to have a dry run first to see if the model is in the correct position to assist ease of applying. I find it best to move the model to suit you and not the other way round.
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Thanks, for an old split chassis conversion to a 1996 model (I think) it has scrubbed up rather well. Why did I do it, apart from getting it cheap off flea bay I fancied the challenge.....plus I have a different looking Pannier! The motive fleet of Little Muddle keeps growing.
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Depends on the model, as they are all accessed differently. This Pannier for example the bunker pivots off to expose the cab interior (its where I have hidden the chip which is wrapped in black electrical tape to hide from prying eyes!) I will then fix the figures this way. The 14xx I was able to get them in through the opening door, Prairie - I fixed them to the chassis frame and lowered the body down, Railcar - I cut their feet off? the other Pannier was through the opening with tweezers!!!
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Don’t mind at all, I totally agree with and when dry will indeed do that. Sometimes you need the aid of pictures to see the obvious. Thanks
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Now residing in her natural habit! 8701 resting in the bay platform.... I think I might tone down the plates a bit as they seem 'to bright'.
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    8701 now sporting her plates and buffer beam numbers.... First pass at weathering. Left to thoroughly dry for a few hours, I have a habit of trying to rush and end up disturbing what I've just done....!
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Works well underway on 8701. All the original black areas have now been painted with Vallejo black grey to give a weathered looked. Brake linkage rods have been adjusted at the front as they where bent down slightly just enough to foul on the barrow crossing..... Prior to this picture I was going to fit the new numbers but could I find where I had put them!!! Subsequently the package has now been found inside another one, took me nearly an hour to find that. I knew where I had put them but obviously they had gone into hiding. I suspect we have all been there at sometime. Now fitted...….
  16. Great video, said it before and say it again Andy's pictures really bringing your layout to life. Excellent.
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A few stills of both panniers at rest by the coaling stage at Little Muddle. I now have two 'working' locos that need weathering and detailing. Namely 8701 and 2534...
  18. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And just to prove that I am not a one trick pannier! here is both of mine trundling around on the way to Little Muddle Didn't bother with double heading just worked out a joint speed......
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Managed to squeeze the Hornby chip in and as the loco is running fine on this old chip I plan to carry on using it. Here is a short, jerky sequence of what will become 8701 moving along on its first public showing with its body on....!
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Through the gloom of an early morning a strange rumble was heard. Around the curve came an old split chassis Bachmann 57xx loco converted to DCC. Using an old Hornby R8249 chip, just in case I had got things wrong, all functions seem to work. Now to fit it into the body....a Zimo MX616 chip will be used so that should fit nicely into under the coal bunker
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Following on from the lengthy debate about single track workings, here is a picture that was posted on a social media site a few hours ago. Apparently a group of train spotters visited Encombe Town to get a picture of the small Prairie but their friend, who was new to the hobby, didn't plan ahead This was the posted result.... Obviously he came in for a lot of stick about a loco with one of largest name plates ever seen etc. etc. Strange what you find on the internet...…? Or is it!
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A couple leftover from the other day that was just sitting in the folder so I thought I might as well post them here....
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