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Everything posted by KNP

  1. KNP

    Little Muddle

    I was going to say my son gave it to me as a present for teaching him to drive well enough to pass his test then I realised that wasn't what you were asking..... Welcome and you'll get used to this on this thread!!!! It is from Bachmann and a very sweet runner.
  2. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Still one of my favourite GWR loco's......
  3. Keep posting them pictures, especially of that big blue one with lots of wheels....looks mighty impressive!
  4. KNP

    Little Muddle

    See you on your return....
  5. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Bye, have a nice journey...
  6. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Driver relaxing as the speed builds following a good start, fireman franticly shovelling coal to satisfy the demand
  7. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Gathering speed now 4550 is getting into her stride
  8. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Slowly pulling away from the platform
  9. KNP

    Little Muddle

    As it was a nice day Ken decided to go down to Encombe Town to see what was about. By luck he arrived just in time to catch small Prairie 4550 getting ready to leave with a B set for the West.
  10. KNP

    Little Muddle

    To late they appear to have...…! Or is it?
  11. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Happy Easter..... though one has to say on an early morning proving run with 2534 the crew had the shook of there lives!!! So much so that they did an unplanned emergency stop, abandoned the loco and ran for the hills? For there was the Easter Bunny.....(rabbit supplied courtesy of my youngest granddaughter)
  12. KNP

    Little Muddle

    And 2534 in the 'spray booth' for a couple of coats of Dullcote.... All very technical here you, know....no expense spared!
  13. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A couple more These last two posts where taken on an iPhone 7 which I have now acquired from my daughter.
  14. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A few quick snaps of 2534 taken on my iPhone.
  15. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Since the demise of Dean Goods 2322 there has been a gap in the motive power fleet that serves Little Muddle. But no more, from Oxford Rail comes their Dean Goods 2534 and to prove it's not another one of my photo props here she is on her maiden run to Little Muddle. Other than a spray of Dullcote it is straight out of the box. I do have to say that I think I need to alter the shunting speed setting on the Zimo chip as she seems to be fair belting along the track. She is also the quietest and smoothest loco in my fleet, no doubt due to the brass flywheel!
  16. Was not happy with the yellowish glow so took some more with the white balance tweaked to reduce it.
  17. KNP

    Little Muddle

    A few of the night time shots as the railcar leaves Little Muddle enroute to Encombe Town. Tweaked the white balance to reduce the yellowish glow. Much better to my eye
  18. With internal lights blazing the railcar passes over the viaduct as the sun dips below the horizon. Weary travellers heading home after a busy day at work....
  19. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Clearing the small PW area with the lights casting an eerie glow on the area.
  20. KNP

    Little Muddle

    With the sun setting the railcar heads over the viaduct to Encombe Town.
  21. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Final picture of the day... I removed the blue warehouse building which enabled me to push the lens of the camera in its place. Ivy & Daisy stilling chatting, no change there then?
  22. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Miss Gray is still arguing with her mother whilst the city gent pretends not to be listening! I think this works as I zoomed in, which is something I don't use a lot as I rather crop and adjust to close in to enlarge a picture.
  23. KNP

    Little Muddle

    Now sitting in the bay platform and ready for the return run, Railcar No 8 awaits clearance.
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