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Everything posted by Corbs

  1. I'd not heard of this exhibition layout until recently, 'Aldbourne' - I really like the company livery, the matching rolling stock. The locos are cut and shut versions of the L&B Manning Wardles. (none of these pics are mine)
  2. A small amount of progress today as I dragged myself away from the PS3. I decided that the grinder option was ridiculous so my old razor saw was offered up as a sacrifice. Chop, chop, chop in the right places! This photo shows where material needs to be removed - right at the front of the chassis, and a section by the front driving wheel (which will likely be trickier) and this photo shows how this relates to the rest of the body. Once the body fit and mounting is sorted I can sort out the steam pipes, glue it together, and then work on mounting the cylinders and valve gear.
  3. Midlander, then! IIRC it's a fairly standard Ruston design? Could be useful for lots of 009 modellers.
  4. Hunslet's answer to the big bagnalls perhaps?
  5. Have you got any video of the TK with the new 'box, Giles?
  6. great idea for making it Britmod-00 compatible. If I make any more layouts I would like to make them to the same standards, you never know what the future may hold!
  7. There was some discussion elsewhere on this forum that mentioned additional safety chains on paddy trains.
  8. Looks fantastic, Dave. Once more I am blown away by the pace of progress.
  9. Garden extension, perhaps?
  10. Yes, I've been watching your 'how to' videos with interest and will be referring back to them a lot!
  11. Good evening Baron and subjects. This caught my eye - dual overhead wires, with one of them offset, and showing the locomotive switching from one to the other while working an ore train in a large opencast mine in Utah. In case the link starts at the beginning, the bit with the locomotive is at 13m 49s. Once the train is loaded, it shows the offset pantograph retracting and folding away after the main one makes contact, all on the move. https://youtu.be/LXq0bVz2XpY?t=13m49s
  12. Do you know if it was it the same horse pulling the train up the entire line, or did they change over part way to give the beast a rest?
  13. Apologies for the lack of progress on the two Gresley-ish beasts, chaps. The P2 chassis needs a section lopping out of it so I need a suitable hacksaw as mine are only really useful for plastic and wood. I was contemplating doing it with the grinder, but it's a bit vicious. I've been doing some more cobblin' over on my blog, making a little Dübs-esque 2-4-0T out of a Hornby 'Pug', Holden tank, and a marker pen with some Adams Radial bits.
  14. Nice looking layout, I particularly like the way the goods yard fans out properly and doesn't stay too parallel to the station.
  15. Finally got around to placing my first shapeways order - an E2 in FUD. Looking forward to getting stuck in!
  16. Cool, I still have the P2 gear so can have a look into that!
  17. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with this, should look pretty imposing I think!
  18. They were all up for sale, I posted up some of the others here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/14790-imaginary-locomotives/page-29
  19. Nice work so far! I really like your approach with the station
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