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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. It was a SEERS meeting this evening. Members photographic evening and some very interesting pics were on show. I will have to sort out some of my pics and get them digitalised, some are slides and some I only have the negatives.
  2. I've got my E-mails back and they sent me a form to claim for the loss of service, I completed the form online and sent it off. Now to see what happens.
  3. Could be worse, number two without her underwear.
  4. Well that seems to be ok, time to get ready to go out.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Can't get into my email's just getting a message that there's a problem at their end. I think its a server problem as other items seem a bit flaky including here on RMweb. I'll find out when I post this.
  6. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woken up by Arthur Itis stomping on my left leg from hip to ankle. I haven't resorted to the Nurofen yet as he's receding now. The overnight rain has stopped and there's even a few blue patches in the sky. Although I'm not participating due to my mobility issues its my MRC's first exhibition since lockdown, new date and new venue but its not mentioned in any of the magazines but it is on the Model Shops Directory. I do have some items for the sales stand so I'll have to arrange to deliver them to the clubhouse or the venue.
  7. Usual practice is to hold the car in the pits for the time penalty. If there is a tyre change the penalty starts after the tyre change has taken place and the mechanics have stood clear. The only advantage is that in going into and leaving the pits only has to be done once.
  8. The flashing lights could also be a sign of a detached retina (together with floaters in vision). I had a similar problem last year but a check up by the optician found nothing amiss. This years eye test I passed without any problem.
  9. A little item in the news this evening is that Ford is about to cease production of the Fiesta model. I've had two Fiestas, a MkII and a MkIII, the Mk.II I inherited from my dad when his doctor told him to give up driving and the MkIII was purchased cheaply when I was practicing 'bangernomics'. Actually it was the last bangernomics car as I traded it in for my first brand new car in 2006.
  10. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis made a surprise attack this evening but the Nurofen sorted him out. I've been watching some older (2018) 'Antiques Road Trip' programs on the digital channels and tonight they featured some local locations, Battlesbridge (inevitably), Hadleigh and Southend. It makes you feel old when something that was in common use in your younger days is now an antique.
  11. I had an old Reliant Kitten* van that I was going to restore. It had a registration etched on the drivers and passengers door windows but not the actual registration of the van. It appears that both doors had been replaced at one time as they had at one time been painted yellow and the rest of the van was originally green. *The Reliant Kitten was a Reliant Robin with four wheels. The vans were extremely rare, only about 200 were built and about 10% survive.
  12. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Doesn't time fly, the young guy Alex came round today to give the lawn a shave. He mentioned a few months ago that his partner was expecting. I asked him how it was going, the baby boy is now two months old. Nipped down to Tess Coes this afternoon and in the bakery reduced items there was a packet of six spiced rum flavoured mince tarts, funny thing is I can now only find the empty packet.
  13. I have a 2008 Hyundai and that is fitted with an immobilizer as standard. I have owned the car from brand new.
  14. What happens when they reach a low bridge?
  15. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not too much trouble from Arthur Itis last night and I got six hours solid sleep. The meeting yesterday was held at the chairmans home and because of the number attending was held in the conservatory. One of the chairs was the cats favourite and he was a bit miffed when he was removed from it for one of the guests to sit down. When the meeting finished the person who had occupied that chair couldn't find his coat at first but then it was found on the floor behind the chair with the cat fast asleep on it.
  16. Arthur Itis has been absent for most of the day but pills will be taken before bed as a precaution.
  17. I spotted them almost as soon as I'd posted it and have adjusted it accordingly. I'd cut and pasted it from a draft that needs tidying up which I have also done. I see thats there's some missing punctuation as well. A bit surprising as the chap who wrote it is a retired solicitor SEERS@70 A CELEBRATION OF 70 YEARS OF THE SOCIETY 15TH April 2023 LEIGH ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH LEIGH ROAD LEIGH ON SEA SS9 1NN 10.00AM TO 4.00PM MODEL RAILWAY LAYOUTS, CLASSIC TOY TRAINS, MODEL ENGINEERING, TEST TRACKS, NEW BUILD LOCOMOTIVE PROJECT ADMISSION £3 – UNDER 18s free LIGHT REFRESHMENTS available. Nearest station Chalkwell c2c. First Essex 21 passes the door. Nearby car park www.seers-rail.org
  18. When I retired there was only one month to go before my retirement date but I had two months annual leave to come. (The current year plus some bought over from the previous year) that meant that the leave I took for the last month I was paid double.
  19. Afternoon/evening all from Estuary-Land. Been out to a meeting this afternoon. Its SEERS 70th anniversary next year. I've been tasked with sorting out the drinking vessels for the punters at our open day next year, recyclable paper cups with lids is what is specified. The cost is just over 14p per cup, minimum order 1,000 ouch! Mind you there is still a lot of profit in catering at shows when you consider the cost to make a cup of tea that you can sell for 50p and a mug of tea for £1. Here is the flyer for the show. SEERS@70 A CELEBRATION OF 70 YEARS OF THE SOCIETY 15TH April 2023 LEIGH ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH LEIGH ROAD LEIGH ON SEA SS9 1NN 10.00AM TO 4.00PM MODEL RAILWAY LAYOUTS, CLASSIC TOY TRAINS, MODEL ENGINEERING, TEST TRACKS, NEW BUILD LOCOMOTIVE PROJECT ADMISSION £3 – UNDER 18s free LIGHT REFRESHMENTS available. Nearest station Chalkwell c2c. First Essex 21 passes the door. Nearby car park www.seers-rail.org
  20. It makes good compost though.
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