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PhilJ W

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Everything posted by PhilJ W

  1. Evening all from Estuary-Land. I've done very little today but I still feel cream crackered but not as bad as yesterday. All down to the exertions of Saturday, I estimate that I walked about four or five miles in all at the toy fair, exhibition and Tess Coes.
  2. If the registration is anything to go by this is two years before they were introduced.
  3. Just short of fifty years ago there was a twinning arrangement between where I lived (Havering) and a German town, Ludwigshafen-am-Rhine. I went on three exchange visits in the early/mid 70's and on one occasion stayed with the local fire chief. He was 16 in 1945 and was called up into the Volksturm He was with several of his classmates given a gun and about three bullets each and then the regulars disappeared. They agreed that as soon as the allies appeared they would drop their guns and surrender.
  4. Simple punishment would be if they went 5% over budget this year reduce next years budget by 5% with a strict and independent audit of their spending throughout the year.
  5. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Found a box for my purchases at the toy fair and busy packing things away. Interrupted by Arthur Itis but a brace of Nurofen dealt with him.
  6. I think you are talking of a certain lady MP who was the MP for Dagenham. I worked for the Borough and was a trade union rep. Our branch secretary was also her (the MP's) political agent. Surprising as she was an ardent woman's libber and he was rather misogynistic. One evening the MP was due to visit the branch meeting but due to the house sitting late she sent her apologies. Just as well as the branch secretary had upset a couple of young ladies in his office and they decided to take their revenge. We had just started the meeting when an attractive young woman walked in, I assumed she was a new member as she was introduced by the two other young ladies. The third young lady then whipped off her suit to reveal that she was wearing nothing but a skimpy G string underneath. She then sat herself down on the branch secretaries lap. This was before we got the news that the MP would be unable to attend. The two young ladies had booked a stripper gram as their revenge.
  7. Reading my dads war record it appears that he was only in any real danger for about six weeks out of six years service. However as a Territorial he was 'called up' on the first of September 1939 and placed on the roof of the Odeon cinema in Romford with an Oerlikon gun, the biggest danger was an accident hauling the gun up a ladder to the roof. After he had transferred to a training camp in Yorkshire the railway alongside the cinema was strafed and the gun crew were injured, one seriously enough to be discharged. In 1942 he narrowly escaped being captured by the Japanese. The troopship he was on was heading for Singapore but was diverted just in time, the troopship in front sailed into Singapore and was captured by the Japanese. Later in the war he was at Imphal surrounded by Japanese forces but by then the Japanese had overstretched themselves and were starting to retreat with the XIVth army was in hot pursuit. It was at Imphal that my dad received shrapnel wound to his leg and was flown out to hospital in what was then Calcutta. He also had a couple of bouts of Malaria whilst out there.
  8. One of the best meals I've ever had was in a 'greasy spoon'* cafe on the border between Barking and Dagenham**. Cottage pie, veg (I didn't have the extra mash potato) consisting of cabbage and runner beans followed by a steamed pudding and custard, I can't remember the price but it was cheap. **At the junction of Lodge Avenue and Longbridge Road going towards Dagenham. I don't know if the cafe still exists as it was over twenty years ago. *Despite the 'greasy spoon' description there was no evidence of grease on the spoons.
  9. The eventual winner only put in a couple of bids towards the end.
  10. The swastika is banned in many European countries and that has caused problems for some kit manufacturers. The box art shows aircraft for example with a black circle where the swastika should be or the aircraft posed so that the tail isn't visible. Understandably Germany is where the swastika is banned but is allowed under certain circumstances. The film about the last days of Hitler for example they were permitted on the grounds of historical accuracy as are old newsreels. However a few years ago (it may have changed since) you couldn't see 'Allo-Allo' on German TV because of Helga's swastika adorned corsets.
  11. Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis wasn't too bad this morning, not helped by it being a bit damp overnight. Time to get breakfast on the go, be back later.
  12. There's bad luck and then there's even worse luck.
  13. Not at all affected by Atlantic storms as the beach at Dawlish faces ESE. Strong easterly winds however are another matter.
  14. Evening all from Estuary-Land. Oven chips do well in an air fryer as they are already coated in oil. As has been stated an air fryer is more of a fan oven than a fryer. You can cook almost anything in an air fryer that you can cook in an oven (except perhaps the Christmas turkey).
  15. Kerch Bridge attack was a missile.
  16. There are about half a dozen places in China named Sheffield, most produce cutlery.
  17. Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a lazy old day today, just sorting out my acquisitions from yesterday, mostly diecast models mostly for a fiver each. Now to get dinner ready, chicken casserole with dumplings.
  18. Morning all from Estuary-Land. After yesterday's exertions I was well and truly cream crackered. I didn't even look in on Farcebook before going early to bed. I also had a long lie in (to 08:30) and a soak in the bath this morning. Now for that second muggatee, be back later.
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