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Satan's Goldfish

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Satan's Goldfish last won the day on September 1 2013

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    Norfolk, or Aberdeenshire, or the outer Hebrides.

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  1. We have occasional compulsory drugs testing in work. they turned up today. Work Colleague: 'I need something to drink before I go down, pass me that bottle from under that desk'. proceeds to chug from bottle of 'blue energy drink', runs to sink and vomits. 'That's not energy drink, that's engine coolant.' Well that's one way to avoid testing, although he's currently in hospital getting mocked.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merc435


      I got showered in coolant yesterday. Fitter came to sort a water leak on a forklift and dropped his spanner into the engine, I reached in through the ballast weight to retrieve it and he lifted the bonnet. Tipping a watering can full of coolant over me.

      He's in hospital now too, trying to find his Test-tickles.


    3. steveb860


      For some reason, I always got the call every time at Lyneham. used to settle for a nice leasurely cup of tea, head up to the gym for testing, and sit in the sin bin for several hours.Apparantly as a 30 something single parent, I fitted the profile as a user, and that was from the Regt WO on the testing team!!

    4. angell328


      That would explain the queue of dodgy looking people at your door day and night then Steve!

      The joy of being in the mob is the amount of 'sympathy' you get when you end up injured, whether your fault or not!

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