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scots region

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Everything posted by scots region

  1. To all the ANZAC and CA boys, thanks

  2. Quike quible do you mean NEM coupling or is there a secret york connection? (wink-wink nudge-nudge)
  3. Having problems booking a hotel in Knapford

    1. scots region

      scots region

      case of the old SEF

  4. You could always look to see what designs from the commonwealth could be adapted for Blighty side.
  5. Exellent tribute, I too have family from Canada, and on the subject of it I will say; Never in history has one nation as a whole given so much to so many and asked so little in return
  6. I am the GOD OF MISCHIEF, were is the smelly one?

    1. petethemole


      I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE and i bring you....

    2. KevinWalsh


      Boris is probably stuck on the naughty step again

  7. I remember something on the telly a while back, some years or so, about homemade Christmas presents. One of the more creative concepts was a Gauge one model that ran on... a garden hose, yes not track of any kind but a garden hose. Needless to say it wasn't for the serious minded, but as a concept it makes fantastic sense, rather than investing in track packs and going miles out of town for a few bob you can have miles and miles of running space. That wasn't the most revolutionary feature, the direction of the engine was changed by depressing the hose in front of it. I haven't the fogiest how it was ment to handle points or shunting, but I would personal pay vast sums to visit an exhibition and watch people try it.
  8. Meatballs and Arran ale, lovely stuff

  9. A design simlar to the fell once cropped up in my imaginations, a disscussion between an Artist and an Aleneian Civil servant. The Artist complained that the design was blinding passengers. The Civil Servant pointed out that it was senseless for form to overtake function. Not if the form is Public health issue retorted the Artist. The Civil Servant stated that what really mattered was there were passengers getting on the trains, the condition of their sight was irrelavent. The Artist accused the Civil Servant of being a Fascist The Civil Servant accused the Artist of Being a Communist The Artist indicated that he had cardinal knowlege of the Civil Servants wife. The Civil servant indicated that the object approaching the Artist's face was his fist. The matter was not disscussed again.
  10. He was standing in the rubble of an old farmhouse outside Birmingham, when some on the scene reporter stuck a camera in the face of that old man. He said tell the folks please mister, what are you gonna do, now that this twister has taken all thats dear to you. The old man just smiled and said, boy let me tell you something...

  11. Ooh ho, say that in my neck o' woods and you better learn how to work a weapon in your sleep. I agree.
  12. I never realised just how well the old liverys sat on the thompsons ScR
  13. Have the layout operaters act like their on a reality show, you'll soon get a set of gallows up. ScR
  14. Somewere far away, Boris is rubbing his hands with glee ScR
  15. How about a layout with all stock being "Never Weres" set in an entirely fictitious location. Or one were Rompsons pacifics haul endless scrapies of A3/4s? ScR
  16. Mental note- DIY glazing not as straight forward as it seems

  17. My broadband to slow for a speed tester to work properly, that gentlement is known as an epic fail

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Shouldn't it be renamed LOL?

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I'm for a total re-branding. How about OMG?

    4. scots region

      scots region

      OMG, my spelling!!!

  18. Maybe I should put a lolz catz caption in my avatar

    1. petethemole


      two headed mutant kitteh got ur cher!

  19. Hmm, Alien Space Bats do not make good pets

    1. halfwit


      Prefer Alien Sex Fiend meself...

    2. scots region

      scots region

      this one keeps spooting giberish about anthorpomorpic steam engines ruling the world

  20. Get on with it, yes, get on with it, YES GET ON WITH IT!!

  21. Re: the Class 20, one thing that might make more sense that a cab at the other end, would be building dedicated "slave units" I.E. cabless type ones for simple raw power, with this an entire lash up of two or four units could be controlled by one source, a single '20'. BTW: I've said it before but, an EWS clayton anyone? ScR
  22. I would recomend to anyone who wants to seriously model something out of the ordinary to invest in a copy of Robin Barnes 'Locomotives that never were'. Its a fantastic read for those long winter nights. Edit:04/02/12 I've been looking at the V4 design and I've been wondering whether it could be modified to take a slightly longer boiler and a leading Four-wheel bogie, to give you a nice looking A9 light pacific. ScR
  23. google's just told me it can't find google

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