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Everything posted by enginelane

  1. Added extra resin to increase depth of water and did a better job of sealing the ends this time! Base layer and start of bushes added. I think it will create a more lighter, secondary route over a small river feel than before
  2. Removed the supports from the over bridge and test fitted to lift out piece. I think the thinner depth of the girder and handrail fits well with add bonus that I had already lettered up the metalwork with Monon and logos.
  3. Damp day so took opportunity of wife’s absence to bring in the removal section into the house to have a fettle. Had not been too pleased with the overall effect using the PECO girder bridge sides as looked too large for the span and hide too much of the locos and freight cars as they went over that section. Remembered I had a highway over bridge from Vimes Street so looking to use the smaller and more open sections to create a Mark 2 version. do not know what possessed me to use gaffer tape on the section, plaster had started to lift so removed it all ready to prep and start again!
  4. Hi the buffers are modified cast metal Class 60 buffers
  5. Thanks, your comments much appreciated. Strange sometimes how bits of plastic, metal etc sometimes combine and the gelling of a team to create something that you always look forward to exhibiting. That is down greatly to the members of the team who built the boards, laid the track and installed the electrics on which everything else is built upon. Without that firm foundation you do not get reliable running and exhibiting becomes a chore. Had some great trips out with the team even when I did forget to pack the road vehicles!
  6. Final layout track plan for CHIRM. Enough to keep me busy as the lockdowns continue and get it completed and be able to run trains.
  7. Sadly with the cancellation of York 2021 the final exhibition for Troutons will now not take place. The team are disappointed but fully understand the reasons behind the decision. The aim is have one last run in the clubrooms and then scrapped as due to the need to reduce costs of new layouts as much of Troutons will be the used on the new layout Bardun
  8. Found this on my layout this morning
  9. Seem to have an additional metallic rectangular feature on the layout. I wonder if it will affect the DDC?
  10. Classic morning of thinking lid on stock box this morning but not so gravity took over and models concrete floor equal repair session this afternoon. Hey ho.
  11. No but committee have pulled the 2021 show as the venue are not accepting any external bookings in 2021. However no one in the club is currently keen to take over the organising of a show so it’s Malcolm and me looking at alternatives etc.
  12. Wet cold afternoon so spent adjusting kadees on stock. Heights ok but too many trip pins would have fouled on switches
  13. Yeap, light rust on nuts bolts, worn paint as wagon in traffic not laid up in a siding
  14. Had trains running all the way around the layout this afternoon for the first time for a long time as discovered the wire that looked as if connected but in reality was not! Good to see trains crossing in CHIRM and switching the little yard has inspired me to get on and finish other parts.
  15. Cool day but no wind so time in garage. Too cold to glue so ran a few trains in the depot area switching a few cars to test out the tracks. Marked out the roadway and buildings on the edge of the town.
  16. Thanks, great overhead image. I understand that the plant received a grant to build another loader on the UP side as reached capacity on the DOWN side. I did not realise it was going to have such an effect on the Track Plan. On our Model the waste sidings will be still there as when operating the existing layout Troutons having a secondary traffic flow was an attractive feature to visitors when the layout was being exhibited. Sadly there are no exhibitions at the moment but have to plan for the future and Bardun has been designed so that visitor can travel the length of the layout and see a series of different views and trains being run. The layout will have 6 Operators working as 2 teams of 3 and needs a large wheelbase van so it will not be a cheap layout for an exhibition manager but aiming to create a layout that when being operated and build quality provides a worthwhile investment for a club. Red line indicates the buildings that have been currently built. This image means can now start to mock up more buildings as it shows areas not currently aware of.
  17. Wanted to produce a really dirty weathered version and so here it is! Have some liquid pigments so will use on the other side as a comparison against the rail weathering paints used on this side
  18. Bagged cement on pallets is part of the outward loads from the plant and a couple of Cargowagons are on order to represent the traffic. Will provide some variety in the sidings amongst the hopper wagons. Going to be aheavily weathered, graffiti version.
  19. Many thanks for the information. Very useful in helping the team gather stock to run on the layout
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