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Everything posted by alant

  1. Looks great Don. The buildings really look the part.
  2. I think Iain also got us all high on MekPak fumes when trying his thatched roof methods!
  3. Sweet Gene Vincent - Ian Dury and the Blockheads
  4. Thanks, I am sure that with experience your work will be. I started many years ago with Superquick buildings and then after reading Allan Downe's early articles in the Railway Modeller started scratchbuilding. Allan, you have a lot to answer for! Alan.
  5. It's great to see some first time scratchbuilds here from both Foo and Wigan Wallgate amongst others. I hope this thread has encouraged more people to have a go at this side of our hobby. Thanks for sharing with us all.
  6. Thanks. The lunches and snacks ones I created using Paint and the menu board was done with Word. I already had the Walls one, can't remember where that was from.
  7. Looking good Graham. I am considering an O gauge micro with Tim Horn baseboards as my next project. Will follow this with interest. Alan.
  8. I tend to use half round plastic rod also. The solid top is not really noticeable.
  9. Kevin, Did you scratchbuild the trees, they look very good, light and airy unlike some model trees? Alan.
  10. Hi Chaz, I have used the hot glue gun to secure wobbly trees in the past. Can usually disguise any glue with foilage and grass etc. Alan.
  11. I guess the answer may be somewhere on here, but with 56 pages to read through I have not found it so far! Can someone advise on the max thickness of card the Portrait will cut through, I can see plenty of information regarding plasticard but not normal card. Thanks, Alan. Edit - I have just found reference to cutting card up to about "cornflake packet" thickness so probably answers my question.
  12. No Easy Road - Wishbone Ash
  13. Party like you - Cadillac Three
  14. Hi Kevin, Some great work, I hope you do start a thread for your layout so we can all see more. Alan.
  15. Neat work as Simon says, although I am not guilty of modifying Peco points you must be thinking of someone else! Alan.
  16. Times like these - The Foo Fighters
  17. Chris, I believe Mike Bragg (Wellington Street micro layout + others) uses modified tension lock couplings fitted with 3 links which act as the dropper for magnetic use. Edit - just noticed that Howard has already commented the same! Alan.
  18. Thanks. The ridge tiles are two strips of plasticard with microstrip glued on either side for the edge of the tiles. It would be possible to use plastic angles from the likes of Evergreen if the roof angle suited. I believe Allan Downes uses that.
  19. Not been very active modelling wise lately, but have managed to complete a 7mm scale goods shed.
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