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Everything posted by Lochnagar

  1. 4mm class 156, loads of liveries, approaching 30 year lifespan, and all we have is the old lima/Hornby railroad-esque offering. Only major DMU not produced to current standards
  2. Has now been refunded so all back to normal, just one of those things! Can't wait for the models now
  3. Did it mail order over the phone, I'll report back what happens tomorrow. Should be fine!
  4. Ordered two, charged for 4 and my account put into overdraft, not a happy bunny about that! Can't get much out of the LT shop as yet either saying theres no record of two orders only one, and the bank transaction Ids I have to help them find whats gone wrong are no use and she didn't call me back. No notification either, only noticed when I went for some cash that wasn't there which knackered up this afternoons plans. Hopefully tomorrow will tell a different story! I've posted this in the hope that mine is an isolated case, and if you've ordered it might be a good idea to check your statements. Alex
  5. Interesting, I think we might learn more come Warley announcements. Hopefully we'll still get an improved 33, maybe still through Philip/Rail Exclusive. Even if it's not, thumbs up to Phil for doing his best at the time. Nothing is ever simple!
  6. Have a look at Rail Express Modeller August 2012 issue, I built the Silver Fox/DC kits class 89 in both it's BR guises. Used a Hornby (ex lima) class 66 (or 59) power and trailing bogie on the existing kit chassis, available as spares from ebay or peter's spares etc. With this mechanism it will quite happily haul 8 MK3s and a DVT with no issues at all. I added much needed weight in the form of liquid lead. Makes a good model with a decent chassis and a bit of detailing. I wouldn't be surprised if Heljan didn't produce one at some point, it's kind of in their ballpark of one off and unusual releases.
  7. Hope to get the peak and some 47's fitted with some noise
  8. Thanks Dave! Next outing is Nottingham 2014, hope to have some Sulzer sounds by then!
  9. Thanks Marc, will do! Just to whet the appetite for my future loco project. . I'm working on the entire fleet of class 37/9s in all livery variants which will incorporate Brian's new etchings soon to be released. The test etches look great and I can't wait to get cracking on it. Hope my old 901 is still performing well! Alex
  10. Thanks chaps more pics on their way, and yes it'll include more class 60s! Coincidentally, the next issue of Rail Express will feature some of my Coal sector Class 60s, including a bit of a 'how to' guide on the sound fitting. So if anyones interested look out for it when it hits the shops Alex
  11. Yes I'm working on a track plan atm for use in show guides etc. I'll get some more shots up soon, it's due another photographic session now I've figured out how to use the new camera properly. . Thanks for the comments chaps, much appreciated! I'm slowly building up a fleet of triple grey 60s, five so far. Trouble is they're getting hard to come by at a sensible price these days. I use any of the Hornby triple grey variants and after removing whatever logos are on, simply replacing with trainload sector ones.
  12. They're great, probably his best chip and captures the turbo noise spot on. One of my neighbours asked me what 'that noise' was in my garage, certainly loud when you turn up the volume setting, but what's the point of having sound at a show if nobody can hear it! If you haven't already, get one of these bass speakers in it. . remove the factory fan mechanism and it fits perfectly in the space. It's the best speaker to go in the 56. I use one of these for every loco where possible, some only require slight mods to fit. Made by DCC supplies I think. http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/dcc_digital_loco_sounds/high_quality_minature_speakers_housings_specialised_enclosures_wiring_plugs_sockets_etc_/995200038_loksound_v4_compatible_bass_reflex_speaker_.php
  13. Beat me to it! I'm guessing most of these are unfit for for realistic preservation opportunities, having said that, some of the worst condition locos are not on the list. 081, 070, for example. I'm quietly hoping someone will bite the bullet and buy one up which is in 'fair' condition. They'll all be a money pit, but over a period of time as with any preservation project it's quite possible. If I had the means I'd try and get one. .
  14. Thanks, just added on the banner today 56 312 is fitted with Legomanbiffo ESU v4 sound and a bass reflex speaker, makes a superb racket and can be heard over the noise of an exhibition!
  15. Thanks! Haha well I do my best it's all about sharing the knowledge.
  16. Thanks, well the plan was not to cram everything in as I feel it spoils a layout of this size (or any size for that matter)! Pipework is kitbashed Knightwing products.
  17. Hopefully yes will be there as part of the Rail Express Modeller stand, but this is still being confirmed. Thanks!
  18. Photo update, hope you like. I've included a couple of shots of the 'other end' of the layout as missed by the previous set of pics. Apologies for the quality, still not up to speed on the new camera! 47706 is the newest addition to the fleet. Alex
  19. Have taken bookings for Midland Railex 2014 and Stafford 2015 amongst a couple of others to be confirmed. I'll update some new pics taken over the weekend in the next day or so.
  20. Yes I'm working on a track plan, will need one for magazine features and showguides anyway! I'm away at Ruddington show this weekend so will take the opportunity to get some new pics.
  21. Lochnagar

    Dapol 'Western'

    Apologies for not having the time to read all of the above, but just to throw my two penneth in if it helps anyone. I've had two Westerns through my hands recently and they've both been fine and really good runners. One maroon, one blue. Don't model the western region myself but I have to say I'm very impressed with them from what I've seen with the two that I've had.
  22. Yes I'll update when I've got chance. . fair bit of new stock too.
  23. Layout now booked to appear at the Nottingham East Midlands model railway exhibition next year, diary dates are; Saturday/Sunday 15th and 16th of March. Hope to see some of you there!
  24. Layout now booked to appear at the Great Central Railway-Nottinham (Ruddington) Model Railway Extravaganza on the 3rd and 4th of August. Hope to see some RM Web folks there
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