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Everything posted by Lochnagar

  1. Glad you like the 60, grey ones are quite hard to come by these days. I used a 'Mainline' triple grey donor for 60004, carefully removing the branding with a blunt scalpel and T cut. With the whole loco satin varnished afterwards it leaves no marks at all. You can also use the Transrail 60066, but this is a bit more work removing the branding. Easiest to 're sector' is petroleum 60062, but these are quite scarce. Coal sector transfers from replica, Toton depot stickers from Precision decals. The Hornby 60 is still the best RTR diesel IMHO.
  2. Yes indeed it should, that's what happens when you type in a hurry! Thanks for the comments, funny I was thinking I should post some shots of the right hand side, just how it's worked out so far. I'll get onto it.
  3. Latest addition to the fleet, 60004 'Lochnagar' in coal sector with all the trimmings, fitted with an esu Legomanbiffo v4 decoder and DCC supplies 4 ohm bass reflex speaker located in the radiator end. I'll post a separate thread on this soon as the speaker wasn't the straight 'drop in' as I'd expected, given the assumed space in the class 60. Anyway, it sounds awesome and is totally controllable and synced at slow speeds. I've reduced the top speed parameters to increase this even further. Pictured during it's first test run!
  4. Thanks guys more pics on their way.
  5. Thanks for the comments chaps, very much appreciated!
  6. Thanks, I'll post a trackplan up when I get round to doing one. Have got more pics which show the whole scenic section so they'll be going on here soon.
  7. Thanks Pete! I do my best Whilst it's not unique by any means, as you say there are a lot of TMD layouts on the exhibition circuit, I try and make things as prototypical as possible without making it boring to watch (and operate). Definitely a case of quality over quantity, and not too much clutter for a layout of this size. I give top priority to scale running and sound fitting/sync of the locos which is an area that I feel lets a substantial number of layouts down. Thanks for the comments.
  8. Hi Ian, Thanks for the comments! Yes will definitely be seeing more of it, booked in at Warley this year along with several others yet to be confirmed, will be updating on here as and when confirmed show dates come up. Alex
  9. Right, finally had chance to post some pictures. Just a few snapshots from the Derby show over the last weekend, taken across the two operating eras. Even though the likes of 'Artemis' and Network Rail class 97s aren't the main early 90s era, it gives a taster of what Meadow Lane is all about and shows you can wind the clock forward very easily indeed. Theres still a bit of work to do when I find the time, mainly the inspection pit in the shed, and replacement of the 'christmas tree' style trees along the backscene, which would be more suited to a Canadian landscape! Anyway, hope you like what you see.
  10. I've been meaning to start this thread for months to show the project during the course of the build, but 12 months on and the layout is now 99% finished so thought I'd better get the ball rolling! Better late than never Some of you will remember a layout called 'Church Lane Sidings' which has seen a fair few outings on the local exhibition circuit owned by fellow club member Alan Cheadle. Well last year I bought it from him with a plan to bringing it up to the 1990s era with a reasonable amount of modifications. This was mainly to get some practice on scenics and all things layout related before cracking on with my main exhibition layout project 'Knotingly'. The original plan was to sell it on once I'd 'finished' the project and it'd served it's purpose, but inevitably I've grown to like it and will now be keeping it as a small exhibition layout in addition to 'Knotingly'. I will post pictures in the coming weeks, so for the time being a description will have to suffice! The work to date has involved the following but to mention a few; A complete renewal of all wiring, with live feeds added to every section of track, (now fully wired for DCC). Relaying the fiddle yard in it's entirety, relaying the two rearmost depot roads which has enabled lengthening of these lines, all front fascias replaced with new 5mm MDF, concealed florescent lighting added, new control panel inclusive of wiring, switches and capacitors. Re-ballasting, track weathering. All steam era features removed ie; provender store and coaling road, which have been turned into fuel storage tanks and a car park/stabling point respectively - much like real times. The depot area has been leveled and totally renewed, with concrete hardstanding, fueling point and the usual array of depot clutter. Pretty much all the scenery has been altered to some degree, and includes new buildings, express models lighting, renewed road bridge, backscenes, and the superb 'forest in a box' from Green Scene. The layout measures 8" x 1.5", and is about the only aspect that remains unchanged. A Gaugemaster Prodigy Advance2 DCC system is used for controlling the layout, with two handsets so as to enable two operators at once. Era wise, it's early 90s midlands (ish), with the option for post 2000 up to the present day if I feel like it! That's all for now, as I said this thread is long overdue but pics will be added soon. Meadow Lane TMD is having it's exhibition debut at the Derby show on the 11th and 12th of May, so feel free to come along and have a look!
  11. Finish the Motorails it'll be something different. . very rarely see them modelled.
  12. Legomanbiffo rules!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lochnagar


      Well theres me for deffo haha!

    3. New Haven Neil
    4. class"66"


      Yer totaly agree!! im upto my 10th "biffo" chips..

  13. Legomanbiffo rules!

    1. class"66"


      Your latest TMD pictures look awsome!!! top work....

  14. This is mental. . what the heck. . . Someone is going to get seriously taken to the cleaners if they pay this guy.
  15. +1 Andy, things take time to ship and quantify. The 85 looks great and I'm looking forward to the postman knocking on my door. .
  16. Needs sound, lots of it.

  17. Utterly crazy, £850 for two locos worth around £300-350. And as for the mk3 guy, I think I'd rather break it over his head than pay anywhere near that for it! They must be tying it on, nobody is that stupid. . An RTC Bachmann/Modelzone mint cond 'Ixion' recently fetched £250, but that's understandable.
  18. Yes that definitely looks like a euro shed to me. .

    1. scots region

      scots region

      On the verge of collapse?

    2. Horsetan


      Judging by all the rain today, I guess a bailout wouldn't help.

  19. The class 40 has been laser scanned and we have a brand new loco to look forward to. . about time!! Should be bang on this time with new tooling. I'll have a blue one for starters. .
  20. I'm going to get a BR blue one. . purely because i like the model. I'll have to find a use for it!
  21. Lochnagar

    Dapol Class 22

    Don't know if this has been mentioned as I haven't got time to scroll through 37 pages! But the BR blue model I saw that a fellow club member had bought. . was a shade of green! Nowhere near rail blue at all. He was going to repaint it anyway as he's doing some mods to it. . hopefully future batches will sort this out.
  22. Some pics as promised! 5700 and 5705.
  23. That'll do for me. Thanks!!
  24. Rewiring is straightforward, the black and red were the opposite way round (from the pics on the Hattons printout) on the two models i did for a friend at the club, swapped over as described and problem sorted. I'll post a couple of pics tomorrow as I've weathered them now. I'm not a fan of the early green diesels (especially oddballs!) but i must admit they do look the part. Almost tempted. .
  25. Awesome layout Marc, top job! You've captured the atmosphere 10/10. Who needs a big mainline layout when you can create something as atmospheric as this. . perfect.
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