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  1. RMC1490 certainly got around in that livery, or at least in one of the two versions of it. Probably only the garages still operating crewed double deckers. There was an AN in the same livery for OPO routes.
  2. Would love to see RMC1490 repainted into the all-over white London and Manchester Assurance livery it carried when operating on my local route at the time 414 between West Croydon and Horsham out of Reigate garage. Then EFE could produce it as a model.
  3. The station looks very quiet, or were the passengers waiting in shade rather than on the platforms?
  4. Is that another pair of 20s heading the other way on another drag? That photo is also interesting as I always thought the buffet was rostered for the Manchester portion.
  5. The first of the Swiss batch C9687 looks to me like an Re4/4.
  6. Is it my imagination, but looking at these two photos the buffers on the lower 37 appear to be pointing down a bit? Could they have suffered from the delivery?
  7. Meet me on the corner - Lindisfarne
  8. Wasn’t 1O42 the York - Poole that ran via the GCR before that route closed and was regularly a (Darnell?) Class 37?
  9. I don't know if all the elements are still available, but the Rails of Sheffield website shows the dimensions of each element, so if you know how to line them up, you could calculate the overall dimensions from that.
  10. C5613 is 47511 Thames. The giveaway is the larger than normal numbers and length of nameplate.
  11. I agree - I would buy one if it was without the aerial (i.e. as first appeared in that livery) but I presume Bachmann’s current tooling of cabs with marker lights and headlight only covers the more common V aerial option. 47484’s straight one was fairly unique.
  12. Plenty of Rails of Sheffield emails go to Junk, as does the odd Accurascale one, even though they are supposedly safe senders, so I don’t think frequency affects whether or not they are filtered as Junk. But three per product progress seems perfectly reasonable.
  13. Move forward 10 years and that signal box will be invisible in the undergrowth.
  14. Thanks for the update @Accurascale Fran. Presumably these are not the additional HTVs in bauxite with early OHL flashes that @Steve Purves said were coming earlier this week?
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