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Posts posted by TravisM

  1. 6 hours ago, tom s said:


    Flickr has a few albums for Liverpool Street, among many others. Robert Gadsdon's restored photos spring to mind offering a wealth of reference, even little things the weathering or station details from the 60's are picked out in what seems to be authentic colour.

    In my opinion Minories lends itself just as favourably to pilot locomotive operation as it does to the prototype's second-loco-releases-first running.

    I looked on Flickr for pictures of 68619 and found a fair number of them at Liverpool St, so it just got me thinking on using the Minories plan in modelling a small section of the station.


    Struggled to find a decent track plan of Liverpool St station in the late 50’s, early 60’s, so I’ll ask here, without too much alteration, could the Minories plan be used for certain platforms?  Eg 9 to 11 etc?

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  2. I’ve recently ordered a Accurascale J69, 68619, the Liverpool St ‘pet’ loco simply because I liked it, and wondered if the Minories layout could be adapted for a section of Liverpool St station, albeit a small section?


    You could still keep that ‘cramped in’ and ‘overlooked’ look, busy schedules, so constant movement of trains to keep you busy.  I assume that 68619 ran under the wires, so you could have interesting mix of steam and early diesel locomotives, plus EMU’s (if they we’re ever available in RtR).


    Thought’s please.

    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, pH said:

    According to the “BR database” site, Aberdeen Kittybrewster shed (61A) had a few at different times in BR days, as did Aberdeen Ferryhill (61B).


    Since Kittybrewster had subsheds north of Aberdeen (Fraserburgh, Macduff and Peterhead) it’s possible they were actually shedded at those places. If so, the direct answer to your question would be ‘Fraserburgh’.



    just wondered as @class26 is doing the Far North Line, just wondered if one ventured up that far?

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  4. I'm reading this thread with interest and it reminded me of a piece I read years ago about livestock carried in the US.  I'm not sure if the same rules apply here but it stated that livestock, apart from pigs must be rested after 12 hours.  I'm sure the journey times for cattle, sheep etc, here in the UK was much less than 12 hours.  Pigs on the other hand, so long as they can lay down, could continue their journey.  Up until the mid 90's (I think), Union Pacific used to run a pig train from either Colorado or Utah to Los Angeles, and they say that you could smell it minutes before it arrived 🤢🤢🤢

    • Like 3
  5. On 06/03/2023 at 14:51, JN said:

    I can tell you from experience fitting 21 BYAs into that space will be difficult. N-gauge might be better than oo for that.


    Also, your alcove will be big enough for one locomotive (60s in oo are about 280mm, 56s are about 260mm) on each road or a 153, but not both on the same road. A Class 156/158 are about 600mm.


    Not every steel train was/is the length of the Corby-Lackenby Tubeliner. Sometimes less is more. From your design I can see that you want

    Freight operation

    Passenger operation

    I know Redland Aggregates seem to have been around there. Given that most steel wagons around Boston are bogies, that wagon would suit more gentle curves and longer straights. Perhaps change location to the Hope Valley. PCA tanks, passenger traffic. 142s/150s between Manchester and Sheffield via Marple and 158s, sometimes with a 156 coming off at Nottingham, between Liverpool and Norwich via Stockport and Sheffield as well as beautiful scenery. If you go with 2003 you can get those Manchester Piccadilly-St Pancras HSTs Midland Mainline ran for a while.


    Still, good to see someone modelling something different. Anyway, my suggestions might just be waffle, but are meant and can be followed or not. Sometimes I like to contend with two ideas and pick the one I like the most/that works best in the constraints given.


    Hi @JN, thanks for your input and yes, the alcove is tight for space, hence it's really designed for single 153/156 on each road, or possibly a Class 37 with a Revolution Trains 975025 'Caroline' when it finally arrives.  I know 21 BYA's won't fit on my layout, but I've run them on a friends and it looked really impressive.  Maybe if I win the lottery (yeah right lol), I'll build a shed big enough to run them.


    I did consider the Hope Valley, but I was stuck with what I had and with limited funds, it was bit of a no brainer given the space, to do a single track junction layout.  Even if I manage two 153's doing the Peterborough/Lincoln services and three 156/158's, the Nottingham/Skegness, and throw in the Boston steel, albeit shortened, I think I have enough to keep me happy for now.  As they say, sometimes less is more.


  6. Building something similar for my Boston docks shelf layout.  Can I ask, is the Wills kit really flimsy and did you need to brace it throughout?  I will follow this with interest.

  7. I've attached a plan, using the free AnyRail version of my proposed OO scale Sleaford East Junction layout and I was wondering anyone could give some constructive criticism on it, though not too harshly.  My spare room size is 8'6" x 7'8", though I do have a alcove, which is approximately 32 cms deep, and I plan to use that as siding space for my to/from Peterborough trains, which will be 2/3 car DMU's.  The line to/from Peterborough is on a rising gradient, but I didn't know how to put that it.


    My main concern is that I've added one to many Nottingham/Lincoln turn back sidings and squashed myself in.  Should I remove one and make the Boston/Skegness siding, a double ended Skegness/Nottingham/Lincoln siding?  I also need a siding long enough to hold a loco and up to 21 BYA wagons (a huge task), but I can dream can't I lol.  The passenger service will be a mix of East Midlands Trains Hornby Class 153's, Realtrack 156's and a Bachmann 158.


    I also want to add from time to time, a Network Rail test train, RHTT train and my East Midlands Trains Summer Saturday, HST set.


    Any useful comments or suggestions would be most welcome.


    Layout 02.jpg

  8. Wow, really pleased with the announcement and I certainly will be ordering two, possibly three.  When I spoke to Richard from Hatton's at the Great Electric Train show last year, he did say that there would be another run this year, but he forgot to mention that Accurascale were doing them 😁.


    Well done Accurascale and Hatton's, another model like the Class 37 that Accurascale can just churn out year after year, and never repeat the same one.

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