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Since my last entry I have managed to make up the bogie, it now just needs a little detailing and a cover plate to cover the springs in for the side control. Next up is the cylinders. For this I needed the body done enough to get them at the right width. When these are done I will get the chassis up and running, then brakes etc can be added.





I have had a long fight the main body, but after 15 rounds I got it beat. I think it finally looks the part. I managed to get the bit above the smokebox flat, and the firebox to slope down towards the rear, there was no allowence in the kit etch for either of these. I did assemble the cab, but since sorting the body, I found need to change the cab front, I got this wrong when I made the present one. The shape of the sides is not quite right, and the roof profile is wrong it is too round, it needs flattening out at the top where it meets the body.










The cast nickel crossheads and slide bars arrived fom Tim Hughes at Meteor. I also got his brass injetors too. Very nice they all are too. The motion bracket is ready for the slide bars once the cylinders are ready. I was hoping to these today but a rotten cold got the better of me. I am hoping there is time tomorrow after we have done all we need to for the house. Modeling time is gettlng short as we are off on Saturday for 15 days or so.



When I return I think I should get the Ivatt finished and sold.

Edited by N15class
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I must admit if this was one of my first locos it would not of got this far. The instuctions are useless, and the design is not that good. The bits when made all seem to be or to look correct. It is just so hard to get them there.


When you look at it compared to a normal pacific, it should be a lot easier, it is a box on wheels, no running plate with all the bits they have on them, no valve gear. None of the boiler fitting to get in the right place etc. But there are so many subtle curves that are not noticed until you are actually making it.

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