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Life in my workshop




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Long time no updates, I have been doing a little work. Still waiting for odd bits to turn up.   But at long last I have finished this one. After the traumers with the chassis to get it running. The rest was plain sailing just slow as I have had other things taking up my time. The name plates came I am impressed with the quality, just a little bit of a pai having to cut them out. I have added all the transfers etc since last post and it has all been varnished.   I think it loo


A while since the last post, I am now reassembling the model. I have three and a half weeks to get it ready, This is just to save me postage as my daughter will be going home then.   I had one of those nice surprises, the chassis worked a dream as an 0-6-0. Trouble started when I put the motion bracket and cylinders on. Nothing moved not eve a twitch. Then I realised some idiot had not insulated them. A lovely dead short on a split chassis. A little work and it was all sorted, and now


Here we are after weeks of not doing anything, well not modelling wise. I have managed to spend a while at my new bench and managed a few bits and bobs, which included finishing the lining on Watersmeet, there are a few bits of tidying up to do and then the transfers can go on. Then hopefully there will be a nice day with less humidity so I can varnish it.   I have also got the wheels and chassis back together on the tender, just a few little bits and then that is done, it also needs a


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Since my last entry for the work shop, not much has been done model wise.   With a trip to Rio, the house painting and the new pups. There seems to of been a shortage of time, for the life of me I do not know where it has been going.   I did manage to get the bow pen out today, and I also started rewheeling the frames, not much to show there, as it was just fitting hornblocks and washering up etc. Will take the pictures when there is something to see.   I have lined


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Had a good day with the airbrush today, I managed to get the green and red painted on. The black was done a week or more ago. The masking and cleaning seem to take up most of the morning. There are a few bits to be touched in, and the rear buffer plank needs to be done. All in all I am pleased with the out come. Just need to let it dry for a week and then I can start the lining.   Not much to say on this post so will leave you in peace and let you see the photo's


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Well we have had a good few days whilst a problem is being sorted out at the house. But I expect I will soon be back there everyday.   My blog is a bit like the old preverbial bus nothing for ages then two at once.   I have completed the back head, which was more work than usual because everything was white metal, it has all been drill out and copper wire added. It looks the part and I am pleased with the result. Not perfect but a good enough representation.   The l


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Just a little closer to the painting stage. We have done a little more to the front end, just a few minor bits now. The main work has been at the rear. I now have the stones generator and injectors fitted. The later are from Meteor. All I need to do now is find some room for the trailing pony to swing. There is not a lot of that now. I am actually tempted to make it fixed. How that will effect the performance I do not know. I have got to do a bit of thinking about this one. I have hadded th


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


My leaving note on the last entry, I was going to get it powered up. Well that was miss leading, as I have done no such thing. So I still need to get on with this. It should not be a problem everything seems to roll quite freely.   Instead I have been fiddling with the bogie and the front end. I think I have sorted out the drain cocks and pipes. I also made the rear bogie wheels spasher. It seems not to touch anything when I push the loco through a peco point. I must get a test track s


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Here is the latest installment of this long running saga. Well it has been quite successfull. I have got the tender primed and will leave it a while to harden before masking up and painting the colours. I found some primer here with I have found leaves a lovely finish and seems to of adhered to the blackened brass very well. The chassis has had a coat of Halfords finest satin black.               I have managed to get the


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


I have had a couple of good sessions with the loco body. The main construction is now complete, and the detailing will not take too long, I hope, there are no handrails as such so that should ease things a little. I have noticed in pictures of Watersmeet, it seems to have something like a handrail on the smoke deflectors. Which I have not added as yet. Any ideas to what it is? The cab soldered to the main body ok I think it looks like it should although I feel there is room for improve


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Here we are back with the loco.   I have made the cylinders nand motion bracket. These are both detachable. I did try just having the motion bracket so, bit it needed the cylinder to come off to. I jst need to fit the coupling rods properly now, it is going to be very tight between the front pin and the connecting rod. Hopefully there will be room. I have also started the ash pan assembly. I am having to add details here as the kit was very basic. I am totally unsure about what I


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Right here we are finally. With the last post I thought I was there apart from a few castings.   But first the chassis pictures that were left off the last post.   So we start by cleaning up the axle boxes and soldering them on. I then fitted the rear lamps, these needed a little bit carving out of them to pinch the wires, that act as the conduits. A quick photo session reveals that muggings had not fitted the water filler. So that was a root around to find it. It


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Having finally got the cab looking right. I thought I would go back to the tender.   I thought this would be the post before the castings were fitted. I wanted to get all the high melting point soldering done before the castings. One of those it won't take long there is nothing to it moments, with the shortage of modelling time over the last 2 weeks, progress has seemed very slow.     All the steps and ladders were replaced with some made from brass and nickle silver. Ex


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Here we are still struggling on with this. It has been a nightmare trying just to find some time, as I am sorting out the shuttering for new stairs for the house. The architect cant draw them correctly and the builder cannot measure angles. I have spent most of the week showing them how they should be done. I did say to the wife it would of been quicker to let me build the house as I have done a few.   I have now taken the cab to bits 3 time. This was the second one.  


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


Since my last entry I have managed to make up the bogie, it now just needs a little detailing and a cover plate to cover the springs in for the side control. Next up is the cylinders. For this I needed the body done enough to get them at the right width. When these are done I will get the chassis up and running, then brakes etc can be added.       I have had a long fight the main body, but after 15 rounds I got it beat. I think it finally looks the part. I managed to ge


N15class in W/c class watersmeet


I have progressed a little with the chassis's and the body. There is a lot that needs to be made, or corrected, this is not a problem just makes it slow. I am waiting for s few parts from the UK, and I also have order a book the Power of the Light Pacifics, or whatever it is called. Should give me a little more help.   I have got a basic rolling chassis now, I am trying to position the footplate now. It comes to light the rear section is to wide. Still got to do the pony and bogie. The


I have got on with some more of my W/C. I needed to cut out for the rear driver hornblocks. The wheels are split axles so they all need to be the Slaters plastic type. The chassis was then assembled, you will see I got two spacers in the wrong place, but hey who will know when I rub the writting out. I found it quite hard to get the chassis straight, this was due I think to the sides lack of thickness, which generaly made it distort when soldering. Got there in the end thanks to a 12" long steel


Not been doing much since last post on any of my projects. Had a good session today though.   I have done the basic chassis, the underframe, and body.     The underframe and body were put together but for some reason there was a twist in it that I could not sort out. The body has been in various degrees of rebuilding about 4 times. I think I have it now though.   I have now got the body bolted to a piece of ply, and the underframe


I decided I should actually start cutting metal. The first jobs where to sort out the chassis, for the loco and tender.   I started with the tender inner chassis as there is not one. I made up some strips of 020" brass 25mm wide as spacers. I am going to compensate the front two axles. The chassis sides were cut from the same material, and soldered together. I covered one side in indellable pen to make marking out easy. It was then cut out with the piercing saw. The holes fore the brak


Right here we go the start of a new project. This is another one of those kits that was aquired from a well known site for not a lot of money. Yes I know I need my bumps reading. I was just a good deal. I am sure the cast wheels for the bogie and drivers would cost more than the kit did. I bought Slaters ones for the tender and pony.   It had been started but the only bit touched was the loco body, someone tried to form it. It will be alright on the night though.   The kit is
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