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I have done a little more to this, it has been a bit slow as I have been doing the West Country. I have now got all the valve gear fitted, there are a few screws that need trimming and locking. But it seems to run very well. The valve gear is in is cast nickle, most is quite good, the holes were slightly to large for my liking, I much prefer to have to open them up to suit.





I have started the lining which I am quite pleased with. I still have most of the red to do, then to tidy it all up. I especially need to thin down the grey and cream line. It has been interesting as I have never done this sort of lining before. I am feeling more comfortable to tackle others now.




I have also finished the backhead which I am very please with. I do need to do a little more to the inside of the cab before I can fit it in there. As long as it sill fits, as it was very tight without any paint on it.



I will hopefully get it finished by the end of next week if I can get my mine from wandering onto other projects.

Edited by N15class
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Thanks Mikkel


I was feeling better doing it. I must be improving. Though I still find it all heart in mouth job when I have to do it.

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