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Well here is the last post on this loco. I have given it a coat of satin varnish mixed with some satin black.


I feel that it has toned down the colours very well. I am sad to be losing it. I may well have to have another go in the future. But needs must I need to earn some money and to buy models for myself. I make no appologise for a photo overload, it's just I like the way it came out.









I wil be getting on with another Southern engine now. For those hoping it was going to be my Beattie Well Tank, I am afraid you will be disapointed, I will be building a West Country class, again this is one of those that will be up for sale at the end of it. I do like them but thay are about 15 years too new for my modelling era. As I am making 2 coaches for myself I cannot justify more modelling time taken up with Items for me.


I thank everyone for their comments and likes. I hope you all will continue to be interested in my models, modelmaking and whitterings.

Edited by N15class
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That's turned out nicely, Pete. The SR green suits it very well, and I'm no longer apprehensive about whether the Ace kit will look good enough alongside the Albion D1 and E1.

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That's turned out nicely, Pete. The SR green suits it very well, and I'm no longer apprehensive about whether the Ace kit will look good enough alongside the Albion D1 and E1.

The older ones I have made are not the best kits in the world, but they have always turned out fine for me. Yes they need you to have some input, but for me that is some of the fun. Also value for money I think they are very good.


I am sure some just don't want to have to do anything apart from solder.

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