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My leaving note on the last entry, I was going to get it powered up. Well that was miss leading, as I have done no such thing. So I still need to get on with this. It should not be a problem everything seems to roll quite freely.


Instead I have been fiddling with the bogie and the front end. I think I have sorted out the drain cocks and pipes. I also made the rear bogie wheels spasher. It seems not to touch anything when I push the loco through a peco point. I must get a test track set up here.




The bogie I added some overlays to try and get it looking a little better. I could not find any casting in the kit that looked like the side control. So I fabricated something that looks similar. I was surprised at how for it sticks out from the bogie sides. But the ones in the photos do too.



The buffer plank was moved to the right place and the front casting has been added. The front steps have been a nightmare to make and fit properly, but we got there in the end. The plate to protect the ATC pickup has been made I have used qite heavy nickle silver for this to try and stop damage to it. There is still a lot of details to add to the front end.



Then there is all the bits under the footplate to do. Thinks will be a little slow for a while as I am at the house everyday for a few weeks. Hoping to get bits done though.

Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Gold

That's a really good-looking front end (odd-sounding sentence!). It looks like it could actually work, which is far from always the case.

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Thanks guys. It seems to be taking ages to do, with only a hour or so at the bench each day, it is get a part made one night make it fit the next. But we will get there. I was hoping to get it sold for Christmas. I not going to make it so there is not the panic now. I have just to stop myself getting bored with it.

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