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Can you see what it is yet


I am back to the 3130. I would like to get the majority of it done before we go on holiday later in the month. I know what you are all thinking, most people want to get to Brazil for a holiday, not to get away from it. But we are, as the wife needs to get away as she is the one who works.


Well I got the boiler cleaned up and resoldered the seem at the bottom. I will get on with the smoke box etc soon so that I can check the fit. I then got side tracked and started the tender.





Here we have had a little trial. The footplate has half etched lines to line up the sides, front and back. Trouble starts with the back and front not being wide enough to fit between the sides. If it was not for the etched location this would of not been a problem. The tender top is the right width so at least it is two bits that need to be made wider.


I soldered a piece of wire down each side of the two pieces, then it was just a case of filing them flat and filing to width. All turn out well in the end. The top has been formed but is as yet not fitted. I want to add a few parts first.






By making the front and back wider you can see it has left quite a filling job to do on the flares.


Hopefully lots more soon, once I get my head into it properly, I still feel like playing with wagons.

Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete. Nothing wrong about playing with wagons - although it might not add much to the savings :-) 


What a lovely lady (the loco I mean!), those Midland locos really were special. Wouldn't mind a GWR / Midland joint layout some day. Looking forward to seeing more of this. 

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Thanks Mikkel

As for the wagons I seem to have just under thirty in the cupboard. I did not realise until the other day that they would make a 3.5 to 4 metre long train. So really need to get something for them to sit on.


I also think these early 0-6-0's are handsome, almost like a thoroughbread. The shape of the body seem to lean forward in a powerful way the Dean goods has the same look too.

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