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MIDLAND 3130 (10)

Right finally finished or so I thought. Transfered all the photos to the pen drive looked at them before writing this post, and see that I had not fitted the front number plate well thats tomorrows job now.   I have built the tiniest test track you can imagine, and this runs lovely. Not much to write here as it was just pputting it back together. Adding buffers, safety valves etc.   I will just let the photos show the last of the story. Here it is finished in it's first BR li


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (9)

Having been shamed into action by George T, and his rendition of the Belpaire boilered version of the 2F.     Here is the latest update on my 3130. As you can see she is now wearing a black coat. I have also started detailing the cab. Now just waiting for the backhead to be finished. I have also applied the transfers, I have based these on a photo of the prototype, which while having cream LMS on the tender has her BR number on the cab sheets, in ex LMS numerals. I still have some


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (8)

There you are just plodding along adding this bit and then that, and it happens, there is nothing left in the pot to add.     I added the coal rails, water filler, tool box and the sand box fillers to the tender. So that is the tender finished apart from the cleaning and painting.     Then back to the engine. I bought on Ebay a Midland ejector for this, but the silly so and so's sent it to the wrong address, so there will be a few months delay on getting


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (7)

I have gone back to the loco, trying to get most of the brass done before my holiday.   I started by sorting out the smokebox and saddle, I also added apiece of scrap as a front to the firebox. I was unhappy about the great hole there.The boiler unit was then added to the footplate.     I then added the front platform lamp brackets. I then decided to solder on the chimney etc as they are great lumps of brass. The dome needed a bit of work to get it to sit dow


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (6)

I carried on with the tender. It generally went together very well apart from the a few parts undersize.   We have reach the point of adding the castings, which is actually very few, I may well have to sick some wieght inside.   The kit allows for quite a bit of variation with the tender. There is the early tool box, water filler, etches for the rear, or the single filler as I will be fitting. There are parts to make a high front with built in tool boxes. side mounting for ca


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (5)

Can you see what it is yet   I am back to the 3130. I would like to get the majority of it done before we go on holiday later in the month. I know what you are all thinking, most people want to get to Brazil for a holiday, not to get away from it. But we are, as the wife needs to get away as she is the one who works.   Well I got the boiler cleaned up and resoldered the seem at the bottom. I will get on with the smoke box etc soon so that I can check the fit. I then got side


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (4)

The state so far. Well, since the last update I have painted the frames and refitted the wheel. All went well aprt from finding out that the coupling rods should be plain rather than fluted. I tried them on the wrong sides but it was going to go nowhere. Which left the only option of filing the flutes off. Sometime later they where finished and ran well, with just a little fettling of the bush holes. Honestly the inside of the frames is actually red, not bright orange. The sunlight here plays ha


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (3)

I started playing with the chassis the other day instead of getting on with the hall. You know what it is like just have a look at what goes where. Then low and behold I have got all bits fitted onto the frames, there is not very much to do on these old types. Its not so bad getting on with it but i have not even cleaned up the coupling rods yet.   I have fitted a part set of inside valve gear on this it is not complete or I expect not even correct, but it fills the g


N15class in LMS 3130 class

MIDLAND 3130 (2)

Have done a little work on this one. I have converted the loco to being compensated, this is on the rear two axles as there are too many spacers in the way at the front. It means the motor will be mobile but thats not a problem. I also found a set of cast whitemetal dummy inside valve gear, which I think I will look into adding to this one.       I have also got the tender chassis compensated and rolling. The compensation is on the front two axles on this one. It


N15class in LMS 3130 class


And now for something completely different.   Next up on the bench is an ex Midland 1698 class (3130) This is labled up as a London Road model, the eches are marked as a Connoiseurs Choice drawn by George Norton. So should go together well. These are now sold by Dragon Models. It seems very similar to a 3F I built from the Maygib range, so not sure whether there is any common history. As you will see it has been started but I will take it apart and then start from scratch. I want to co


N15class in LMS 3130 class

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