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Having not been in the workshop on Monday, I was hoping that I would of got all the brass work finished yesterday morning. Well usual story takes twice as long as you think.


I had a good day today, fortunately I had to be at the house all day as we were getting some furniture delivered. The castings for the body were reasonable except some were missing, not the end the world but it adds to the time, as they needed to be made.




The ladders went together better than I expected, but are too long. the bottom had to be butchered to fit.




The air filters needed just a little fettling to fit, you will see the bottom holes on one side were too long, I have already filled them which will be cleaned up tomorrow. I also had to do a repair casting on a side box, again will be made good tomorrow. The lamps and other fittings were OK although some did have holes and there where holes where there are no fittings.




I really should of cleaned the whole thing up before the photos. I thought I had less time than I actually did. The 08 was given a scrub up and looks much better. I will hopefully get it clean and primed tomorrow. I am trying to get this and the 2F finished so they can be sold before Christmas. I need to get some wheels on order. There is a 850 pannier and a 2MT tank in the wings.




There is not much in the way of fittings for the cab. But I think there is enough to give a good impression. I do not really know what goes on in them anyway. Once there is a driver and mate there will not be a lot of room left.


Edited by N15class
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Lovely. Lamps look a bit oversized from this angle. I think you can get LEDs of a similar shape, which would certainly do no harm to the working model.




Yes I agree about them being oversize. If it were fore me I would probably change the or put in LEDs.

Thanks for the link lots of interesting stuff there.

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Looking good from here Peter!

Thanks Rob

Looks even better today after a good clean and a couple of coats of primer.

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