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Did some more on this over the last couple of days. It is taking shape nicely I think.


Why do kit manufacturers do this?????




If it was half etched all the way where the bend is it would be fine, as long as it is in the right place and big enough. But no they do bit of it so it will not curve properly. This does not help the modeller at all. Full thickness material is easy enough to bend.


Look at the tank the top two half etched abortions where almost in the right place. but you can see it still needs filling which is not easy because of the rivet detail. Then look at the bottom the half etches are nearly out of the way completely. But look how the material has rippled. I got very close to putting it between the ground and the Monday hammer, then scratch building a new one.







Please please do not put half etches where bends are it is more trouble than it is worth.


So having got my rant over, you can see it was not poor folding on my part as it fits quite nicely on the footplate. I will be making this part detachable, if it all works out well. I will be folding the bunker etch on Monday put if it comes out like the panniers it will be re-made. All in all I am pleased with the way it is coming along.







I hope to get some black paint next week, I have found a supplier of cellulose, so I will get some primmer and black for the chassis of this and the 0395.

Edited by N15class
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Was the depth of etch too shallow, to put a packer in place to assist with the forming?

It should not be necessary. It is poor design. I am not sure I would have the right thickness material anyway.

You said right at the start of this post that it was a GRRRRRRRRwestern engine, I see what you mean now!

The parts fit well it is just the stupid design that got my goat. The Grrrrr Western is more about me being a LSWR modeller, but as you say a bt more appropriate now.

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Bl@@dy curves on GWR locos - you have my sympathies.

I would not of minded but it was one of the few times I got the curves right first go, and you end up with rubbish. I now need to spend hours getting the kinks out without losing all the rivet detail.

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Jim Harris designs...aids to scratchbuilding and hair loss. I had one of his kits to build several years ago; kept the smokebox door, swept the rest in the bin and got the piercing saw out.


Kudos for perseverance - I think I'd have several pannier-shaped marks on the wall by now :)

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