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Now the carnival is over and almost a week of not being near the bench. I managed to get the brakes for the loco sorted out.


The hangers to my mind were too wide so I narrowed them a bit. I also had to move where they are hung. I also had to make up the linkage for the hand and power brake. You will see this in the photos. I am thinking of lining the shoes with plasticard one to close up the gap and the other to stop shorts.

I also had to improvise the brake pulls as there is nothing in the kit. These may well of been with the castinggs that are not around any more.












I then went back to the cylinders, crossheads, etc. As it was I did not have enough room for things to rotate. I for ease moved the slide bar casting out a tiny bit. This actually made the slide bars a better fit on the motion bracket, so whether it was my remake of the cylinders slightly out or the casting of the motion bracket. But the net result is I have the crossheads flying back and forth and the wheel rotating with nether meeting when they should not. I have for some reason got a tight spot which needs one axle bush moving the tiniest amount. I will do this when I next strip down the frames. I have been messing with the footplates such as the are to check the fit of it all so far. I still need to join all the valve gear together.

I am actually struggling with inspiration on this build at the moment. Hopefully the mojo will come back, might need to do a wagon or something easy to finish.









Lets see how it goes tomorrow, I may be more inspired if I get some decent time at the bench.


Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Pete, does that mean you fled the carnival or joined it? I like that brake rigging, really adds something to the loco.  Hope you get the mojo back, wagons are such a nice distraction - sometimes too much of a distraction :-)

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Thanks mikkel

I hide from the carnival. I will go and see it one year in Rio. I think the costumes and floats are great. But it is the noise. Brazilians are loud anyway. The volume is always so high it is distorted. You imagine each group trying to be louder than the next. I watch on telly at least I control the volume.

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  • RMweb Gold

That's exactly how I would feel. Smart thinking about the volume control, I've tried using it on noisy family members but it doesn't work on them :-) 

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