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I have done some more to the body. It seems to be going ok at the moment the only problem I can see coming up is the roof is too small. When the bunker section is attached I will see if I need to make a new one or if I can extend the one in the kit.


The bunker went together quite well I tack it and will run the solder joints later. The footplate was a little wide for the bunker back plate, or that was slightly small, a couple of rubs with the file sorted it anyway. The cab front and rear were also too wide, but that is easy to sort than them being too narrow.






I then made up and added the cabinets to the cab rear. The floor was also cut down as it was a little too long. I need to modify the cab entrance sides a little and ad the hand rails before I fix the bunker unit to the footplate.





Next up was the firebox. Which went together very nicely once I did the top curves. It is of the old fashioned type that you need to file the front shoulders. I folded some 1/16^ brass wire and soldered this inside the front and wrapper join, to make sure I did not end up filing holes in the corners. I think I may need to do a little more but will check when the boiler end is cleaned up and adjusted to fit.







A temporary fit to see how things are coming on. I think it is beging to look as it should.









I suddenly realised this little tank loco is not as small as I thought. Here it is against my 0395. I hope I have built them both in the same scale.






Yes I am pleased with the progress I would like to get most of the big soldering on the body done tomorrow, but lets see. I have ordered a few bits From Laurie Griffen tonight, so I should get then in a moth or so. I will when it comes to the time in the build when I need them it will have to be put aside.


Something different next, another 2-6-2 tank but this will be from the LNER.

Edited by N15class
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Noting your last comment, I look forward to you tackling an LNER 2-6-2, as I have a V3 that someone built for me that is a right dogs breakfast, so will follow what you do and possibly tackle a re-build of the V3 myself!

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Noting your last comment, I look forward to you tackling an LNER 2-6-2, as I have a V3 that someone built for me that is a right dogs breakfast, so will follow what you do and possibly tackle a re-build of the V3 myself!

Mine is from Ace, but some of the etches have McGowens on them so if nothing else it should be interesting. No doubt I will make things more interesting for myself.


Mine is also the V3. I hope what I do will be of help to you.

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Mine is from Ace, but some of the etches have McGowens on them so if nothing else it should be interesting. No doubt I will make things more interesting for myself.


Mine is also the V3. I hope what I do will be of help to you.

Mine was made from the Ace products kit as well, have you got the updated version with better tank sides etc? It may be worth checking and asking William Ascough for any updated parts if it is an old kit.

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Mine was made from the Ace products kit as well, have you got the updated version with better tank sides etc? It may be worth checking and asking William Ascough for any updated parts if it is an old kit.

I presume I have as there are 4 tank sides in the kit. I think I will make all 4 and see which are best fitting. One pair are half etched which may be a bit thin to my mind but wee will see.

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I presume I have as there are 4 tank sides in the kit. I think I will make all 4 and see which are best fitting. One pair are half etched which may be a bit thin to my mind but wee will see.

I think that the half etch pair may be an overlay, you might want to check with Mr A.

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