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You have a couple of extra hours at the bench and you seem to get loads more done.


First thing I did today was to tack in place the inner parts of the tanks. These made the whole thing a bit more rigid as the attach to both front and rear footplates.

It was then a case of fitting the firebox in place, this then meant I could check the fit of the boiler, and the smokebox on the front of the saddle. Once all was level, I built the rest of the saddle.







Then I joined the boiler to the firebox. I have made the firebox, boiler, and smoke box unit detachable at the moment. Hopefully I can keep it that way, as it will be easier to attach the lined boiler bands. It all seems to line up nicely. It also gave the old mojo a big boost. I can now see where we are going.







I then thought I ought to add the bunker unit. So I fitted the cab handrails as it would be almost impossible with the 2 parts in place. This needed a little fettling and careful alignment to get looking right. I think I got it in the end though. Can you see what it is yet??







The only real bit of fabrication left is the cab roof. These are not my favourite shape to form. But you just need to get on and do it. Maybe that is tomorrows challenge. Then it is adding the arty bits.

Edited by N15class
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  • RMweb Premium

Cracking work Pete, turning out very nicely and looking like an Ivatt should. Structural work all done bar the cab roof - I'm at the same stage with my O2 build.

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Thanks Chris


I have done the roof now. No photos today as I spent too much time looking for a missing step on the tiled floor of the workshop. Still missing I think I need to empty the bucket of scrap frets and brass. I did have to do a lot of work as the cab front and back plate were different to each other and side to side. Serves me right for not checking before assembly.


I have been looking at the 02 as a birthday present from the wife. I have built the Meteor one but not sure of which to do.

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  • RMweb Premium

Jim's 02 kit is superb and good value. The parts all fit and the castings are clean. Much recommended. The only issue i've had was interface issues between the smaller than usual bogie axles and bearings. Slaters now provide the right bearings so that's sorted. I'm off to the G0G show at Kettering this weekend to pick up a few bits and bobs and to find a suitable gearbox and motor for the 02. Have a good weekend Pete.

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Thanks Chris


I do miss going to shows. When in the Uk at Christmas our timing was wrong. Arrived to late and left too early. Hopefully your wallet won't feel to much pain. I am in the process of trying to get material from Metalsmiths.


I been thinking about the 02, I think that will wait. I decided to get the castings for the A12 from Slaters and the wheels for the M7. I may even get some for a G6


Have a good show.

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