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Had a go at the final piece of major fabrication. The roof which needs to be removable.


First problem which is my fault for not checking. The cab front and rear were different to each other and each side was also different. I normally check bits like this with each other before assembly. I made a pair of formers and adjusted the cab front and rear to fit better. The formers were assembled with two bits of tube and a bar of nickel silver.

The gutter was made from 0,8mm wire, and the vent is modified from the one in the kit.





The inside is not particularly tidy. I will get it tidied a little before painting.





The rest of the time has been getting the smaller details sorted out. I started with the steps and promptly dropped a step on the floor. I have a tiled floor, that is swept daily and hoovered weekly. Could I find it, no. Decided to check the bucket of scrap to see if I had anything on old etched, and there it was in the bottom. I quickly soldered them together and put them in the parts box. I have added the brace to the rear of them which I have made to fit on the underside of the footplates, as the front one would be in the way of the pony, and the cab one because the frames are too far away.






I also cleaned up the tank fittings that I have. After the episode with the step. I soldered these on before thinks went missing. I have got the tank stays, vents and the water gauge on order from Laurie Griffin.






It is all beginning to take shape I still have a bit of scratch building to do on the small bits that are not in the kit.









I then started on the bunker detailing. Half round beading was added to the top. A step from the scrap box for the rear, there was a half etched position for one but nothing in the kit. I also made one for the slope on the side. I made up the ladder which has been altered so that it will fit. I just need to make the mounting brackets before it can be added. There is a little flat of footplate over the rear buffer that is not in the kit. I added a bit of brass angle to make this the soldered the buffer plank under that. I think it looks much better now. It would of bugged me not having quite a noticeable part missing.





The ladder just rested in place.





I am getting close to needing the parts that are on order. I may press on with the frames and get it running ready for when they arrive. Although there is still the cab internals to do. As well as some of the pipe work oilers etc.

Edited by N15class
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