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GWR 1360 (Ex Pembroke and Tenby Railway)



This one is really much too conjectural... The Pembroke and Tenby Railway was taken over by the GWR on 1st July 1896, and this Shrp Stewart 2-2-2T, one of two biuilt in 1863, was taken out of service in July 1897, so there must be some considerable doubt as to whether it ever carried its allocated GWR number or was painted in GWR livery. Apparently it hung around until 1908 before finally being scrapped, so photographs might exist. My drawing is worked up from a handful of dimensions in RCTS and a couple of photos, one in RCTS and the other here.  Neither are exactly up to the standards of Swindon works photos, and curiously both must have been taken within seconds of each other from the same camera position , since all the same figures appear, but some are in different positions.222t-1390-exPT.JPG.df8450dd8d008e506405b531e936ad9b.JPG


It seems one drawing has survived with the GWS, but its catalogued as being just the wheels, so I didn't think it would be very helpful. Beyond that I've made all sorts of guesses about what the photos actually show, and you're all very welcome to disagree with me. There are quite a few things I am not at all confident about. Did the safety valve cover really overhang the structure its sitting on, for instance? Cute as it undoubtedly is, I'm not quite sure why I picked it to draw, other than I am in the middle of writing a lot of text, and fancied a change. Rather than consider a second edition of the book, I'm looking at an alternate way to use the drawings, and am drafting out a very chronological format which is currently in the 19thC. The format ought to be good for tracing design concepts, and I've picked up a few things myself, but the big drawback is that, for instance, some classes have to feature in two or three different places to reflect rebuilds that brought them up to the latest state of the art. One thing I've already spotted, incidentally, was that the Armstrongs seem to have initiated few or no classes with sandwich frames, but were quite happy to retain them on rebuilds of existing designs, even when the rebuild involved such major changes to the chassis - different wheelbase and so on - that you'd think reusing components was hardly worth the bother.

Edited by JimC

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It looks to me as though the safety valve cover is bolted to a flanged cylinder, like a short length of pipe.

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On 13/05/2023 at 11:41, MikeOxon said:

It looks to me as though the safety valve cover is bolted to a flanged cylinder, like a short length of pipe.

I agree. The sandbox operating rod passes behind what appears to be box or some form of cab extension. I was going to make reference to the WCPR Sharp Stewarts but the Tumblr link has a photo of it. Ex Furness Railway but you can clearly see a pattern. There are drawings available of this WCPR Sharp Stewart if you need them.

The Cumbrian Railway Association has useful information and a link to models of the locos:

CRA link

Sharp Stewarts also ended up on the LBSCR and there are kits available from EB models (Exclusively Brighton): EB Models

They're also on RM Web if you search.


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