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Well the last two days have been a bit of a disaster. Yesterday I was doing a few tweeks on the chassis. When a I put it back together after sorting out the thrust washer, I found I had missed out a packing washer. So back to taking it apart again. After replacing the washer everything seemed to tight so eased it off here and there in the gearbox. Put it back into the chassis with an extra washer on the axle to get rid of all the side play on the driven centre axle.

Then just I did something stupid which took me a hour to notice, I put the coupling rods on upside down. Usual short four letter Anglo Saxon word, then turn them over. Looks much better that way up.


Then today I marked out a few bits of extra delail for the body, I managed to get them cut out but not all are made. It is rainy season here and of coarse it has been raining since I got up. About 11.00 there was a clap of thunder and that was the end of the electricity. It was quite typical came back on at 14:00 just as we were off to the barbique restuarant and the weekly shop.


I did manage to make the pull push gear for No 735, I have just guessed from photos and the drawing I have, usual problem nothing is quite clear enough. I think it turned out alright. Up until the1930's LSWR used a three wire system. Two open and closed the regulator, and the third is for the whistle. It had been tried on a 6 coach set, but only ever used with a maximum of three. It was also tried for bunker first running but this was never done in service.

The whole thing is mounted on the cab roof, I will do this right at the end I think it is one of those bits that look to get knock off. Just got to finish the regulator handle, saftey valves, and lamp irons now, then that is all the extras done.


Above and below is the unit for the roof, Think I should of cleaned it before photographing.


Below are two shots to show how it goes on the roof.



Edited by N15class
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