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Everything posted by Danemouth

  1. Having read about the rotten weather some of you are experiencing at the moment I can tell you that for once the Capital of the Principality has a beautiful sunny day. The lawn grass has dried enough that I have been able to give it the first cut of the year - until now it's been either too wet or too cold. Dave
  2. Momentum Button - Have a look here I knew I had written about it in the past 😁 Cheers, Dave
  3. Look on page 57 of the manual Loco Refresh needs to be set to 0 otherwise when the loco is selected all functions are set off Page 58 shows how to set the recall stack to 6 Also using the momentum button on sound chipped locos can cause problems - there is more info on here somewhere. Finally the option key needs to be remapped to address function numbers above 9 - see page 19 - the value needs to be reset to 122 Cheers, Dave
  4. As part of this scheme my local line from Heath Halt (Low Level) to Coryton is also being electrified. Here are some images taken today From the bridge over Caerphilly Road looking towards TyGlas station Other side of the bridge with Birchgrove station Now the bridge on Pantbach Road looking towards Birchgrove and towards Rhiwbina Station @Happy Hippo will know this area well, it was his boyhood stamping ground - there are no blue plaques commemorating that fact 😄 and signs have appeared on the bridges Cheers, Dave
  5. May I humbly disagree with you - in my opinion there can be no such thing as a plague or pandemic of Panniers, a multitude maybe a plague no! As for the vaccine could the products of inferior railway companies beat the products of the omnipotent GWR? 😃😁😄😬😀 Joking side it's funny how my taste has changed - as a lad it was Kings and Castles for me, however since building Danemouth my favourite loco is the everyday Pannier - Danemouth has five! Cheers, Dave
  6. A Catholic Church where I am sacristan in the capital of the Principality is shared with the Polish community did exactly the same thing this morning Dave
  7. Some lovely rolling stock there Neal, Well done 😀 Dave
  8. I'm so old I remember when this thread was about Whacky Signs😃 Dave
  9. and remember there are two kinds of people in this world - those who are Welsh and those who wish they were Welsh 😀😃😄😁 Happy St David's Day Dave
  10. Some info here https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-68381940 Dave
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-67980670
  12. I use two Powercabs with one configured as a slave. It automatically picks up the macros from the main Powercab. One thing - if you get a short e.g. running through a point set the wrong way you will need to unplug the slave to allow the master to complete its reboot. Dave
  13. My late father was a Prison Officer in 1960/70/80s. Some old lags would be sent to prison for drink related offences. For many their favourite tipple was Meths mixed 50/50 with VP wine 😬 Let's say their clothes usually had to be burned due to the state of their trousers! Dave
  14. On Danemouth the programming track is one of the sidings, I also have a couple of terminals for use for a rolling road or a piece of track. Have a look here In normal operation all three switches shown are on with two turned off for loco programming before selecting the appropriate option on the Powercab. Dave
  15. Compared with you @grandadbob my first car was much simpler. I did not pass my test until 1977 at the age of 29. My Aunt had bought a Mark 1 Escort brand new 6 years previously and driven just over 5,000 miles before a stroke did huge damage to her. That was my first car - I kept it for two years before buying a brand new Allegro - what a mistake !!! Kept it less than 12 months before buying a brand new Cortina Mk V - talk about chalk and cheese 😁 Dave
  16. With all this talk of hearing aids... I used an NHS hearing aid for some years. Last year I needed my ears syringing, the NHS waiting list for this was 4 months so I ended up going to a local shop. Before going I decided to look at private hearing aids as I found the NHS one where the tube needed replacing every six months uncomfortable since the wax could not escape. I ended up with a pair of the latest aids which are very comfortable and have bluetooth. Yes, they were very expensive but as my late mother used to say there are no pockets in shrouds. The one feature they have I did not know about was that they could be paired with my mobile phone. Now when somebody rings me a touch a button on the aid which answers the call and the mics in the aids transmit my voice to the phone. The phone remains in my pocket. I can make calls but need to dial from the phone at which point the ringtones appear in my aids and Bob's your mother's brother. Dave
  17. I remember a box identical to this in Cardiff - junction of Greenway Road and Rhyl Road Rumney in 1950/60s Dave
  18. Castel Danemouth situated in Rhiwbina has had a little drizzle this morning but there is no sign of the large yellow orb 😟 I will have a certain large Pachyderm (a former resident of Rhiwbina) that I do not drink Brains Dark - it has to be Brains Light (Bitter) Actually I only ever drink beer when I go to a pub, at home it is either dry white wine or Penderyn except after Sunday Luch when the odd Port or three may be forced down. Dave
  19. IIRC the death certificate of The Queen listed her cause of death as "Old Age" which raised comments in the Dail Fail (what doesn't?) Dave
  20. I follow the advice a plumber gave me years ago. After I close the indoor stoptap I open the garden tap so as to drain as much water as possible and then leave it half open all winter. Cheers Dave
  21. We had a complete bathroom refurbishment this summer. Like you we only have one loo - the local company doing the job understood this and made sure the longest we were without a loo was about three hours. IIRC the existing loo was removed and put back in place four times over the two weeks. The new loo was only fitted after the tiling and flooring were completed. Dave
  22. All the above is excellent advice - one other thing to try is to disconnect the the Powercab, remove the back and check the chip is seated properly. One other thing, if you start using locos with the sound chip do not use the Momentum button as it resets some CVs within the chip - see here and here. To prevent this when I had my Powercab open I stuck a small piece of insulating tape across the tracks for that button to prevent accidents. Dave
  23. 2If I remember correctly the address of the main Powercab must be 2 Dave
  24. I can see I shall have to instruct my Seconds to call at Hunt Towers 😁 They will arrive on a Pannier! Dave
  25. This plan is v ery similar to my layout Danemouth Dave
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