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Can't log in to RMweb from a new Applemac, any ideas why?

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I've been using RMweb on a windows 7 laptop for years with not too many problems, except the machine runs so slowly I could walk the channel tunnel in the time it takes to load anything. so today I tried using the new Applemac desktop machine but this simply won't let me log on using my existing username and password. I'm getting an AppleMac airbook thingy tomorrow and need to be able to log in from that. Can anyone help with this problem?

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There have been some problems with Safari and the latest updates on OSX have caused various issues.  I've just gone back to Yosemite from El Capitan as there were some difficulties with mail etc on my Mac.  Google Chrome works well on our iPad.

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  • RMweb Gold

It might well be the browser - or rather just using a different browser.  I normally use Safari and remain logged in for most of the time.  However if I use Firefox and am still logged in on Safari I can't get in - because I'm using a different browser.


So question No.1  is did you log out on Windows before trying to get in via the Mac using Safari or whichever browser? 

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I’ve never had problems logging on here with Safari Apple iPhones Macs whatever.


I’ve even read RMWeb from a random computer in the Apple store at Short Hill Mall in the ‘States, whilst waiting for my Wife.


Best, Pete.

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As an experiment, while logged on to this page with my Macbook running Firefox, I started up Safari and logged on here using the same user-name and password and it has worked without any problems. So now I appear to be logged on twice at the same time using Firefox and Safari.


However, what I do find is that upgrading to a new version of the OS will re-set some of the long standing preferences and system settings I had on the previous one. For instance I now use El Capitan instead of Yosemite, but initially I could get few programs to work because my security settings had been changed to only allow programs to run from Apple approved suppliers instead of everyone.


The change back is just a simple tick-box in the systems preferences but to the unwary it will appear as a catastrophic failure of the upgrade.


At the end of typing all this, I logged on with my iphone, while still being logged on using both Safari and Firefox and still no problems that I can see.

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  • RMweb Premium

I had a similar problem with my Hudl, it turned out that the predictive text was putting in unwanted capitals on some of my passwords. For example my e-mail address includes my full name but is all in lower case, it would change philip to Philip for example.

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  • RMweb Premium

I've upgraded the Mac to El Capitan from Slow-semite and have had no difficulty with this or any other site.  If anything the new OS runs faster though page service speed is at the mercy of our host and the local ISP, not my OS.


I've also upgraded the iPhone to the latest iOS and likewise have no problems at all until I run into a black hole with no wi-fi or 3G service.


Not sure why some folk are having troubles but it seems there are often a few compatibility issues when a major systems upgrade comes on stream.  Usually it's a case of tweaking your local settings until you find out what's been changed and reset it.

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Managed to catch a screen shot this morning which is typical of the problems with Safari.  Firefox works fine, but every so often Safari just will not connect to certain sites.  


The irony of this one is that it's to Apple discussions about the problem......:-)






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  • RMweb Premium

I know of that screen but have never had it displayed to me.


The similar one which says "Safari cannot connect ..... because the server ..... is not responding" means the requested site is not answering the call.  That's not a Safari problem.

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  • RMweb Gold

Managed to catch a screen shot this morning which is typical of the problems with Safari.  Firefox works fine, but every so often Safari just will not connect to certain sites.  


The irony of this one is that it's to Apple discussions about the problem......:-)


attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-10-09 at 09.34.15.png


The particular error shown in that screenshot is due to a security certificate mismatch between the browser / operating system, and the server hosting the page.


Each browser comes with a set of built in root certificates for the common Certification Authorities, however it appears on this occasion your version of Safari doesn't have the right root certificate for the CA of the apple site. The Apple SSL Certificate was renewed on the 11/09/2015 using a new SHA256 Root certificate.


It would appear your version of Firefox does have the correct root certificate built in.


In practice this would show itself as Safari failing to connect to any site protected by the new SHA256 Root cert, but connecting happily with sites using older issued certificates.



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The particular error shown in that screenshot is due to a security certificate mismatch between the browser / operating system, and the server hosting the page.


Each browser comes with a set of built in root certificates for the common Certification Authorities, however it appears on this occasion your version of Safari doesn't have the right root certificate for the CA of the apple site. The Apple SSL Certificate was renewed on the 11/09/2015 using a new SHA256 Root certificate.


It would appear your version of Firefox does have the correct root certificate built in.


In practice this would show itself as Safari failing to connect to any site protected by the new SHA256 Root cert, but connecting happily with sites using older issued certificates.




Thanks Al.  Just to follow up on Rick's comment, it's not the website that's the problem as I can open the same page via Firefox.  It's clearly something to do with Safari and more noticeable since I upgraded my Mac.

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I have Version 9.0 (10601.1.56.2) but feel you cannot get to the latest version without changing to El Capitan and I won't go down that route again until I'm happy they've resolved some of the mail issues with BT Internet.  


Going back to Al's post, what can be done to deal with the security certificate issues you mention?

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I have Version 9.0 (10601.1.56.2) but feel you cannot get to the latest version without changing to El Capitan and I won't go down that route again until I'm happy they've resolved some of the mail issues with BT Internet.


Safari was a separate download that pre-dated El Capitan.


But why do you expect Apple to resolve BT's problems?


Going back to Al's post, what can be done to deal with the security certificate issues you mention?



Update Safari?

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Safari was a separate download that pre-dated El Capitan.


But why do you expect Apple to resolve BT's problems?



Update Safari?



I'll go away and check again to see if I can find this latest upgrade as the only one I have found is via El Capitan.  It's funny to have a system that works perfectly well one day and not the next after an Apple upgrade, so please don't make assumptions on my behalf.


All I ask is that some help is given to try and resolve the problems as when these issues have happened before, both companies pass the buck.


Right now my system is working 90% of the time.  I was just trying to give some clues to the OP to help him resolve his issues.

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Gordon, what issues exactly are you having with BT mail?


I have the same set up as you with the El Capitan upgrade and it all works fine. Do you have an ipad or iphone that you can receive/send BT mail from? If so, does that work properly?

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I've restored Yosemite now, so all appears reasonable.  The problems I had were new mails not having the blue dot and bold fonts to show they were new.  No numbers on the mail icon on the dock, so it was impossible to tell what were new mails and what old.  


It lost my sent items for a whole year, although I did manage to get them back via time machine.  Add to that the issues with Safari and the loss of iPhoto to Photo's and I wasn't too impressed.  Let me justify that though.  I'm 67 and although I am PC literate, having been involved with IBM since the outset, I do not really use mobile phone or smart phone technology and believe technology should work first and look pretty second.  A PC is a tool and nothing else.  I just want it to do what I want and what it used to do before the numerous upgrades.


I just happen to feel a lot of current development put appearance first and functionality second.  I'm happy with something without the bells and whistles that works, first time every time.  I don't use Facebook or Twitter so accept I am a dinosaur.  It comes to all of us, so please excuse my wittering. 


Maybe Tony Newley had it right.  Stop the world, I want to get off...


Edit:  The other bit that I forgot is that none of my group email addresses worked.  I had several set up for various mailing sets, but once the upgrade had been completed, none of the group emails functioned.

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Gordon is a shame you have gone back to Yosemite. 

El Capitan is an improvement over Yosemite. Speed of operation has improved and some of the bugs and niggles that existed in Yosemite are gone, yes there are some new ones but overall it is an improvement.


Persevere with Photos. My first reaction with Photos on Yosemite was to stick to iPhoto. But having started using Photos I'm happy with it.


Your problem with mail I have no answer for I still get the indictor on the icon on the dock and the blue dot against new mails.


As for BT internet, personally I would not touch it with a barge pole.


I have some friends whom had nothing but problems with BT internet after changing from Win XP to Vista or Win 7. BT's continual response was that it was not a problem with their systems, but when they where moved to my house and connected to my Virgin cable system they all ran with no problems. As for wireless on BT routers - well, Vista and Win 7 could never keep a connection but iOS and Android devices never had a problem.


3 out of the 5 have since changed provider. One of the others a small shop has stopped using it for computers and only uses it for their card reader and a phone.

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I have upgraded to El Capitan from Yoesmite and although it seems more stable; on my Mackbook Pro El Capitan is not faster. In fact it is noticeably slower, with little rainbow "wait" circles appearing any time I try to do do more than one thing at once. 


Mind you I am scanning slides continuously as I perform other tasks, and the scanner takes a lot of processing power when adjusting the exposure settings on the scans as it goes through the procedure.

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  • RMweb Premium

jonny777, just in case its of interest to you, I too have a MacBook Pro. I use it mainly for editing and producing railway videos. This takes up a huge amount of processing power, indeed rendering the video (converting the edited clips into the actual video show) took so long I usually had to leave it running overnight. A chap at the Apple shop suggested I got some extra memory chips which I could fit myself as these would speed things up. While Apple will do this upgrade for you, it was very easy to buy the chips and fit them myself, and much cheaper. The extra memory has made a big difference and my MacBook is now much faster.

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