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009 Lilliput 0-6-2 tank loco


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I was given one of these superb locos awhile ago. It runs, as you might expect, faultlessly. I'm thinking of building a layout to run it on (I have some stock also), but I wonder if there is a body kit for a more British outline that fits without too much surgery? Any advice would be most welcome, including safe removal of the existing body.





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  • RMweb Gold

There's no kit as such for this chassis but several have adapted other kits to fit.

 The red Peckett(ish) loco in the background uses the older version of the same chassis but I also used the newer chassis for one I built for a friend a few years ago. No photos of that I'm afraid but it's a Dapol Pug body with the cab set lower by chopping the footplate where it joins the tank and adding the bunker to join them back together. I also narrowed the footplate a few mm's.


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Have  a  look  at  Fourdees they  have  a website  no kits  though  & expensive


Don't  forget  that  the  W&L  in Welshpool  have   an  Austrian 0-8-0  very similar to  the  U class  named  Sir  Dreafaldwyn  which incidentally  is  not  a  person  but  welsh  for   County  of  Montgomery!!

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I had one of these locos for a while and can testify to their quality. I think you have a couple of options:


1 - Do a couple of very minor adjustments to anglicise the engine and then leave it be. The spark arrestor chimney uncrews and can be replaced by something a little plainer. This automatically does a lot to change the engine's silhouette - a paint job and name plates will complete the effect of an imported German or Austrian lcocomotive. Suitable for any inter-war narrow gauge line or modern preservation project as imports are not too uncommon in either case and making up the back story is half of the fun. For instance, a number of industrial railways took on O&K tank engines post-WW1, and the Welshpool & Llanfair has an austrian engine which they run more or less as it ran in its home country. I think you would retain whcat is a beautiful model with all of its good characteristics and be able to put a good personal spin on it.


2 - A more drastic rebuild. This is what would personally be my least preferred option. There are a number of kits which would fit the chasis - the PECO varikits woudl look okay, and there is always the Pugbash option (there are some extremely good examples out there). However, from my admittedly humble knowledge, inside frame 0-6-2 engines just werent seen on British narrow gauge lines. For my two pennies worth, I think it would just look wrong and a little bit bodged - which would be a pity for such a wonderful little chassis.


3 - Build a German or Austrian layout instead :)


I can definitely recommend joining ngrm-online.com . Friendly and talented modellers who have a serious grasp of the history and practical modelmaking too

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Thank you all for your comments. I did a "Pugbash" many years ago (I had forgotten about that) to fit over the Minitrix dock tank  chassis, but I fitted side skirts to hide the motion. Yeah I know that's cheating, but it suited the time and gave a quick solution.

Lots of Ideas folks, which I shall deliberate for awhile as it has to join the very long queue of some 00 projects AND the finishing of floor boarding and insulating my loft.

I have been thinking of joining the 009 Society for some time. I didn't know about The NGRM, so I have them to investigate also.

Many thanks once again for all the advice.



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I have one on the books for my layout, Scrayingham, and it has been anglicised using basic tools, plasticard and some spares from other kits. It's currently out of service pending a repaint and improvement of pony truck pickups. Here are a couple of photos to give you an idea of what can be done with it.








Hope this helps





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  • 1 month later...

An update on my quest;-


I have since joined the 009 society and done some more research. Shapeways TP models do/did a replacement 3D body shell to fit the 0-6-2 and looks as advertised  very UK style. There's not a lot of detail about it, i.e. securing it to the chassis, but as the original is secured by the chimney screw, I suppose a screw can be fitted similarly on the new body, hopefully lining up. The date of the advert is 09.04.15. 

 Has anyone here had any experience with TP and their products which is extensive covering many types of locos and rolling stock bodies.?



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Have a look at Fourdees they have a website no kits though & expensive


Don't forget that the W&L in Welshpool have an Austrian 0-8-0 very similar to the U class named Sir Dreafaldwyn which incidentally is not a person but welsh for County of Montgomery!!

They have a lot of detail

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