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Carrie Fisher - RIP


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  • RMweb Premium

Damn, I had hoped she would pull through after seeming to survive the heart attack.


R.I.P. Carrie. Though you might not have wished to be remembered so much for the role of Princess Leia, you'll always be the Princess of my heart.

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my nineteen year old son just told me and like him I'm gutted that the no nonsense I'm in charge princess leia has left us.Carrie was made for this part.she will be missed by star wars fans like my self the world round. r.i.p


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It is a sad situation when some one who is so accepting of her life with her previous troubles still had a lot to give.


She was great in so many films other than Star Wars... my fav was as the jilted lover in The blues brothers.... standing in the stormwater drain with a M16 blasting away at Jake and Elwoo.... only for the kiss and to be dropped in the mud....

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“Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealously. The shadow of greed, that is.” Master Yoda..


Star Wars a new hope was one of the first films I remember watching on my sister VHS. The stars a little dimmer now and episode 8 will be hard to watch knowing that it will be the last time we see Princess Leia but she was an amazingly talented actress. Who struggled through so much and beat it all. Rest in peace.


Big james

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The Guardian had an interesting piece about various aspects of her life which aren't as widely known. I certainly didn't realise she was Debbie Reynolds daughter, although I freely admit that my knowledge of such matters is incomplete at best.


The dear old Grauniad then excelled itself by a piece about "whether the Star Wars writers could keep the Leia character going" ... in the "culture" section.... I thought they'd already DONE that?

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  • RMweb Premium

I was discussing both Carrie's and Debbie's passings with a colleague at work today, and the thought crossed my mind that maybe a fitting tribute for Carrie would be if her daughter Billie's role from Star Wars: The Force Awakens (and I gather being made a bit more prominent in Episode VIII) could be increased further in some way to follow on from the General Leia character (rather than try and get away with a CGI Leia)?

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General Leia will be in Star Wars VIII. Her part had already been filmed. What happens in IX is yet to be decided. But I agree it would be great if her daughter had a more prominent role.


I suspect it's not the last we'll see of CGI Leia of any age. With the success of Rogue One there are more midquel films planned.




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I think what will happen is after 8 is replaced we will get a novel to explain what happened to general leia. Like how they wrote a series of novels that explained the birth of kylo ren. They won't CGI her like they did with peter Cushing as it was to expensive to repeat. They only did it this time as the script for rogue one was written with he was still alive and he was was made to crucial in the official canon to remove.


Big james

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