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Exeter 2010


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  • RMweb Gold



my brother (willmo of this parish ) and I will be making the drive down from the north to exhibit our layout


Shift'tem sidings - 4mm / 16.4 finescale DCC sound


Which was at the 2009 members day and there are some pics of the layout about.


We will have some new stock running (now I have the wheels )


if your going to be visiting the show please stop for a chat as we don't bite and like to talk about the layout, stock or anything else.




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  • RMweb Premium

The EXE Model Railway Society's annual exhibition will take place on 5th & 6th June this year.

Please see www.exemrs.co.uk for further information and updates as time approaches.


I will be there showing Bridport Town, see http://www.rmweb.co....-bridport-town/

But without Arthur's Welshpool loco (unless he comes along) I really must post some more photos.




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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hi Kevin,


To keep this up to date, are you planning to put a list of exhibitors on here? Will there be any narrow gauge, apart from Bridport Town?



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BMRG are wandering down to the Exeter show with Pengwynn Crossing in its 50/60's transition guise, this could be the last time it appears with steam on it.





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  • RMweb Premium

One of the stars of the Exeter Show will undoubtably be Bath Green Park; the magnificent Somerset & Dorset layout by the Taunton Group, shown in it's long straight format.

There should be a full list of exhibitors on here in a day or two.



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I'll be positioned alongside Matford, working on one of the Board for my first P4 layout Blackwell Road (Please come along and wish me luck). I'll be building some Exactoscale Point kits and if I have time probably a C&L one too. I'll also have a couple of my Rail Blue Diesel Loco's converted to P4 using Ultrascale and Alan Gibson conversion packs.


I'll so be representing the Scalefour Society with the societies 'Stand in a Box', which will have some various society literature with which to tempt members of the public over to the "Dark Side" of finescale modeling! ;)





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The Exeter 2010 show listings are as follows.



Bad Heidricstein - HOe Austrian Narrow gauge

Roestok - OO9

Bodgeit Sidings - GN15

Foxcombe Colliery - OO9

Meadholme - OO9

Kestor Castle Estate Railway - OO9

Corris - OO9

Woody Bay - OO9

Roestok - OO9

Matford - P4

Porth St John GWR - 4mm Finescale

Millwall Goods - O Gauge

Halsdon Road - O Gauge

Hemyock - EM GWR 1930

Hookwood - EM BR Southern

Harlyn Road - O Gauge 1924 & 1960’s!

New Morwenstow Riverside - OO Modern Image

Pengwynn Crossing - OO 50's/60's Transition Era

Kingswear - 2mm 1930’s/40’s GWR

Okehampton - OO 1980’s/90’s

George Street - OO Modern Image

Brianswood & Goafer Creek - On30 1930/45

Treacleton - OO 1950’s/60’s

Bridport Town - 16.5 7mm Narrow Gauge

Penkerwin - TT 1955

Bath Green Park - OO 1948-66 BR

BW Mayfeld - HO Modern Museum

BW Dugelsheim - HO 1978-85 Continental

Honeylands Heritage Centre – The TWAG N gauge group

Lymemouth - OO 1960’s

Marienplatz - 1950-2010 continental Transport & Light Railway Society

Blackdowns Heritage Centre - T.L.R.S. N Contemporary

Shiftem Sidings - OO 1980’s Modern image

Rax Lane MPD - OO 1960’s

Long Moor - N 1950’s/60’s Military railway

Rock Springs Group Freemo - HO USA 1985-95

Milehouse Tramway - OO & N Modern image and trams TLRS

Parkers Sidings - OO EXE MRS club layout




The Weatherman – Tom Rayer Weathering demo

EM Society Demo - David Dornom

S Scale Society Demo stand – Maurice Hopper

P4 plastic based track building demo & Scalefour society stand - Matthew Rogers



Groups and Societies:

Exeter O gauge group display

Trains In Your Garden - G scale

The OO9 Society

EXNGRM – Exeter N Gauge Modellers




Richard's Spares

Eric Walford (Models)

Titfield Thunderbolt

Dave's Railway Films

Finishing Touches

Rural Railways

Rob Doidge

Railroom Electronics


The Model Shop

Wessex Wagons

Model Express

Lynton & Barnstaple Railway

DTA Cabinets



The above is correct to the best of my knowledge, apologies if anything is missing or incorrect.





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You've got Pengwynn Crossing down as 1980's, but I thought we were bringing it in its 50's/60's Transition Era guise??? It doesn't matter to us either way, just let me know which era you want.


Oh and by the way there is no 'e' on the end of Pengwynn ;) ;)






Chairman BMRG

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  • RMweb Premium

Wow, what a line up!

This is going to be a terrific show, hope I can get enough time away from the layout for a good look round.




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Just an update to say i've added the list of traders attending the show. Kevin is working hard to update the official Exe MRS Website over the weekend with all the relevant detail, it already has a map and directions posted up, so please check back.




You've got Pengwynn Crossing down as 1980's, but I thought we were bringing it in its 50's/60's Transition Era guise??? It doesn't matter to us either way, just let me know which era you want.


Oh and by the way there is no 'e' on the end of Pengwynn ;) ;)






Chairman BMRG


Hi Neal,


My apologies, I've updated the listings to correctly spell Pengwynn and to show the correct period you intend to be exhibiting. I merely posted the list up as presented to me by Dave Harding our exhibition manager, so perhaps a quick Ring or e-mail to him at the model shop may be advantageous in just confirming the details.





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We've got the modular stuff sorted, we’re debuting several new modules this year including Gillsburgh by Ian Smith as well as established modules such as Neil Rogers’ Oakdale, they will form a 60′ long end-to-end run between a pair of small yards, frequent local passenger and freight moves should feature.


We’re a little bit short of staff this year so RS Tower and it’s big trains are *not* featuring as part of our display, but we’re planning lots of operation so it’s still well coming for a look and a chat about modules, DCC, operations or any of the other things we get up to.


And if anyone wants to come for a play let us know! icon_smile.gif


We’re working on a major showing with both RS Tower and a substantial Freemo presence combined for the 2011 Exeter show, if US stuff is in your sphere of interest it will be worth making a note in your diaries as we’ll be creating something that will be able to absorb lots of operators! wink.gif



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


well I have made a start on the journey down to the show. A couple of stops on the way starting tomorrow.


Looking forward to the show.


if you are visiting please say hello i'm on Shift'tem sidings


see you all over the weekend




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Good luck to all those going, after reading the list of layouts, and traders it looks as though it's gonna be a good show, just wish I had time to gosad.gif.

We lost one of our dogs last night (Blondie, the one in the avatar) to heart trouble, so things here are a bit down.

Never mind, hopefully some handbills for our show in Blandford, in October, will be there on Ade's 'Railroom Electronics' stand.

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Oh no, another 'local' show I will have to miss.... (Only 120 miles away).


Drove down from the lakes last weekend, been over to Hull this week with a Van (helping out a friend..), then yesterday up to Dover and return today - Daughter having problems via ferry,... Sunday morning, got to go to Manchester in the van pick up some 'stuff', back late, Tuesday off to London, back Wednesday, Friday up to Devizes and back, haven't looked at next weekend yet, so I think I may just have to miss Exeter.


At least the roof shouldn't be leaking this year, wonder about track buckling.... :(

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


well after a stop over in Taunton last night and a lovely day spent on the West Somerset Railway, the layout is now set up and ready to go in the morning.


The hotel room has the bath full of cold water with the drinks chilling off whilst we are checking out rmweb.


Looking forward to tomorrow.


Gald i packed the shorts as its been mighty warm today in the south.




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What an excellent show, well worth attending for Bath Green Park alone!


Nice layout from the North Devon Group (they always are!) and some nice O and narrow to!


Other notables by Chris Lamacaft and the excellent Kingsbridge layout in 2mm.


Excellent venue, easy to find, easy to park so well done to the Organisers!


(Good to see some fellow RM Webbers exhibiting there to!!)


Its not to late to make a last minute visit!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all,


we are thorughly knackered and had a great time at the show over the weekend.


Thanks to the exhibition manager Dave for the invite and the exeter club for being so friendly and where most welcoming. Had the chance to chat to loads of people and other Rmwebbers.


Loads of intrest was shown in the layout which was nice and hopefully any one who asked any questions went away a little more knowlageble.


It was nice to see some diffrent layouts and there where some great layout and it was hard to choose for the voting form. great venue (even with the car boot sale on this morning)


Hopefully i will get the chance to come back to exhibit again.


Many thanks again




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  • RMweb Gold

Well done to all involved for putting on another brilliant show this year. And a special mention to the the operating team of "Honeylands Heritage centre" for taking my Thomas obsessed son behind the scenes so he could see and pointing out all the different things, he loved it! Thanks guys.

Cheers, Matt

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