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If we had a television or kids, I wouldn't need to enquire here, but as we have neither ...


Both myself and the present Mrs Spikey find ourselves perplexed by the use of "Alright?" as a form of greeting, as in our postman invariably saying "Hiya. Alright?" when handing us a package.. Being a well-mannered sort of a chap, my automatic response is "Yes thank you. How are you?", but that seems not to be the correct response.


What is one supposed to say?

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"Aye, I'm allreet my owd flower, how r thy gooin on ?  -- seems to go down well in sunny Wigan !!!!!



Hmmm. I once spent too many years in Sin Tellins working alongside Pie Eaters, and I seem to recall "Art reet?" was the common greeting. But maybe that was reserved for Woollybacks ...

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Although visiting the Midlands and people saying "Alright Duck?" takes a bit of getting used to. :jester:





"Duck" is more of a Stoke-on-Trent/Potteries area expression, not really the 'proper' Midlands.


In the Black Country the response to "alright?" is just "Arr".


Edit: I've never heard anyone in the Midlands use the term "Cup Cake", either - another myth promoted by lazy unimaginative TV writers, I think - who also wouldn't be able to tell the difference, or care that there is a difference, between the Black Country accent and the awful, dreary 'Brummie' accent. :nono: :rolleyes:

Edited by F-UnitMad
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Hmmm. I once spent too many years in Sin Tellins


You'll remember Pimmies pies (Pimbletts) Spikey. Best thing in St Helens, Steak pies with a touch of spice in the gravy - yummy (even to us Wiganers !!). Long gone but I believe the name has been resurrected. Never tried the new ones. 


Sorry to digress, but pies are important to us Wiganers !!


As to Wollybacks, this is a scouse term to anyone from Lancashire outside Liverpool, i.e. St Heleners, Wiganers etc.



Edited by APOLLO
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You'll remember Pimmies pies (Pimbletts) Spikey. Best thing in St Helens ...

Indeed. Although there wasn't much competition for "best thing in St.Helens".


I also remember the kids chanting "Pimblett's pies are full of flies" ...

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The ‘deep Sussex’ version is ‘Ow j’ya sim then boy?’, to which the answer (ailments permitting) is ‘owright’.


In the west of Ireland people say ‘are y’well?’, but the the delivery is very fast, making it apparent that it’s not a genuine question. The answer seems to be ‘fine’, the intonation being used to convey anything from deliriously happy to seriously p*ssed-off.

Edited by Nearholmer
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A former BR workmate of mine did not like the expression 'are you alright?'.

If he was particularly annoyed he would reply 'why, are you a doctor?'.


I like the response 'I'm alright, its the others!'


The response by Titan, above, also works




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You'll remember Pimmies pies (Pimbletts) Spikey. Best thing in St Helens, Steak pies with a touch of spice in the gravy - yummy (even to us Wiganers !!). Long gone but I believe the name has been resurrected. Never tried the new ones. 


Sorry to digress, but pies are important to us Wiganers !!


As to Wollybacks, this is a scouse term to anyone from Lancashire outside Liverpool, i.e. St Heleners, Wiganers etc.






Also applied to anyone from the Wirral, Wales etc...…



I don't think anyone has called anyone a Woollyback since Ken Dodd was a young man. We have another name for them around here. ;)





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