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The Final Dream


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I'm not sure who the almighty judge was who "dissed" your little diesel, but may his socks rot! It looks fine, represents exactly the sort of little shunter many small industries employed, and if it isn't 100% faithfully prototypical so what? Locos that look right and run well are fit to be seen on a layout. 


I think it was in the April 1964 RM that the late David Lloyd described his Irish NG layout "Augher Valley", and for this 15-y-o it ticked a great number of boxes. I am certain he noted the impressive scenic effects were by "my gifted friend Peter Midwinter" and while that layout is long gone, it is evident that you are still well up to the task! 


Hi Oiddudders


Thanks for the comments. The Augher Valley was here with us in Wales until about 2008 when the barn was flooded and most of it was destroyed. There are still a couple of boards mainly the station that are still in the old workshop. I just do not have the heart to get rid of them . By the way at the time the layout was built in 1960/62 I was 13/14 years of age.


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Hi All[

I have been over the last few days sorting out the stock for the layout and the following shots are of a large diesel shunter that I obtained some years ago but have not used it. It is like the large engine that is at Tunsted but this one has the cabs at each end and not in the centre like the real one. Still I like it and the colours match.










It has been said to me that some of you may find it interesting on how the building for all the layouts have been made so if you want to see this I will put some shots of GTD, Bridge of Muir and Glen Gillie. Here are a  few tb be going on with.


post-6915-0-39904500-1541024859.jpg   The lime works GTD


post-6915-0-30554200-1541024862.jpg   The back of the lime works that is not normally seen.


post-6915-0-42265800-1541024979.jpg    The start of the main bridge on Bridge of Muir layout





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  • 1 month later...

Hi all


Can say nothing has been done since beginning of November due to some health issues but hoping to resume work after Christmas.


If anyone is in the area between Christmas and new year and wants to call in and see the layouts you are most welcome to contact me via pm and come and enjoy a drink and mince pie.


So it only remains to say to everybody from Andy and the moderators to all the members and friends A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.


See you all in the new year - happy modelling.




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Hi Peter, I hope you and Wendy have a good Christmas and a happy New Year to you both.




Hi Andy

Not starting to good Wendy has just gone to hospital after falling down the grog stairs and doing in her knee. Has I am not driving friend has taken her for a X ray. Mean while I am getting everything ready for Christmas day. I will be glad when its the new year.



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Hi Andy

Not starting to good Wendy has just gone to hospital after falling down the grog stairs and doing in her knee. Has I am not driving friend has taken her for a X ray. Mean while I am getting everything ready for Christmas day. I will be glad when its the new year.



Oh dear Peter, sorry to hear of your problems up there, sounds like I'm not the only one who'll be glad to see the back of 2018.


All the best to you both.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All

Well a Very Happy New Year to all.


Health at present isn't too bad and Wendys knee is improving and is going for physiotherapy.


Over the next  few days/weeks we are hoping to bring up from the unit Glen Gillie and the Bridge of Muir boards and get them installed down the centre of the new room. It has been decided that we will convert Bridge of Muir to dc from dcc and after studying it we find that all we have got to alter is the wiring on the two station boards and build a new small control panel for the section switches. The points already being worked from a small panel.


In the meantime what I am going to do is put on some of the features/buildings as they were being constructed for Glen Gillie and Bridge of Muir. Apologies if some of the photos have been used on the other threads.


The actual layout needs 3 areas yet to be constructed to link and make this one complete layout but could do with some help on the wiring and laying of track etc.


Anyway here are the photos.


post-6915-0-21653700-1547210987.jpg  A view of the building on the main street from station to overbridge


post-6915-0-52583800-1547210990.jpg  A view of the start of construction of main engine shed on G.G.


post-6915-0-37270700-1547210993.jpg  The engine shed nearing completion


post-6915-0-09259300-1547210996.jpg  A view of the distillery's engine shed nearing completion


post-6915-0-03793500-1547211001.jpg  The completed distillery


Next ones will be on B of M.


All the buildings are made using foam board then covered with embossed plasticard.










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Hi all

Bridge of Muir is one of the exhibition layouts that will be incorporated into the final dream layout in the new shed.It was the first main layout that I built using full DCC control and was intended to be the layout to give me information  for converting the other layouts to that mode of control. But as you now know the whole layout will be DC operation due tio the illness that I now have,

Anyway the layout was based upon the scottish region with the station layout being based loosely on Crianlarich, The main part of the layout was the bridge which is a very accurate copy of the bridge ar Connel ferry on the outskirts of Oban.

The structure is just short of eight foot long and was built after some three hundred photos had bee taken of it, and took about 450 hours of work to complete . It is made completely out of plastruct with the exception of two brass channels that run the full length to give structural support. Anyway here are some shots of the building and the finished bridge.

Cheers Peter























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Hi all

Carrying on the theme of showing the various buildings on the layout being built here are a fewq shots of the hydro-electric plant on the B of M. It is based on the power station on the side of Loch Lomond.  It is made from foam board covered with embossed plasticard with the dam from balsawood and treated with textured paint to represent concrete. The windows in the plant are built up from dornaplas. Inside the building are 2 electric generators which have flashing lights from the comutators.

All other bits are made from bits of plastic tube and plasticard etc.

Hope you enjoy them.

















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  • 5 months later...

Hi all

I'm back after being ill for the last 6-7 months was rushed in hospital last month with a heart attack caused by incorrect medication and lack of oxygen in the blood.

After a number of transfussions am now back 100% better than what I was and starting to take an interest at last in modelling.


What has happened is we have brought Bridge of Muir layout up from the unit and this will be erected in the new shed and altered over the next few weeks so hopefully will be starting to put stuff on the thread (when I get round how to use it).

Cheers for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


Well over the last 10 days I have done more work on the layot than in the last 7 months. It's great what some blood pumped into you does.


Any way here are a few shots of the Bridge of Muir layout now installed in it's new home. A start will be made in the next week on the conversion from DCC to DC with the building of a new control panel and some touching up of items. At present I cannot find the station building.


Still a lot to do so if anyone who is local and would like to get involved please drop me a PM and I will give you details.


















Cheers for now


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  • RMweb Premium

Wow, I clicked on this thread and up came the bridge, and I thought I know that bridge I've been across it several times..

that and some other things from places  I know are instantly recognisable

wonderfull modelling. I'll be watching the integration of your layouts with interest...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All

Thanks for the comments lads.

I have at last found today the station building for Bridge of Muir and have just placed it on the layout, will take a few shots of it and post them. In the mean time I have been sorting out the stock and setting up the storage yard.

Also the other day I took del. of two class  J70's one with skirts and one without. Not certain where they will be used. Could be looking at a new small tramway layout? Anyway will keep you all informed.



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